
Mayorkas calls for review of Einstein, CDM

The president-elect's nominee to lead the Department of Homeland Security said he will review the government's two major cybersecurity programs in the wake of the SolarWinds hack.


Rob Joyce to lead NSA cyber office

Joyce's predecessor, Anne Neuberger, is joining President-elect Joe Biden's administration as a deputy national security advisor.


Biden floats $9B boost to TMF as part of funding surge

The incoming Biden-Harris administration announced a $1.9 trillion "rescue" package to help Americans whose incomes have taken a hit from the pandemic, which includes a major uptick in technology spending to secure government systems and spur modernization.


FireEye not ready to ascribe SolarWinds hack to Russia

The cybersecurity firm credited with discovering the compromise of SolarWinds Orion isn't saying that Russia didn't do it, but that more evidence is needed to make a definitive attribution.


Evanina: Number of known SolarWinds victims 'will continue to grow'

A top counterintelligence official today said the number of known federal agencies affected by the SolarWinds hack will likely to continue to rise beyond initial estimates.


Judiciary systems compromised in SolarWinds breach

The office that manages the country's electronic judicial filing system this week announced it was exposed to a vulnerability in SolarWinds Orion.


Warner: White House 'again' holding back on naming Russia

The Virginia Democrat, who is set to become the chairman of the intelligence committee, also called a "full sum review" of reporting obligations by public and private sector entities following cybersecurity breaches.


CISA: Hackers access to federal networks without SolarWinds

The Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency said on Jan. 6 that there is evidence of suspected hackers are breaching federal networks without exploiting a recently discovered flaw in SolarWinds Orion product.


DOJ says it was hit by SolarWinds hackers

The Justice Department today said hackers likely accessed about 3% of email inboxes.


House passes FedRAMP bill

The House today passed a bill aimed at standardizing the processes federal agencies use to onboard cloud computing technologies.


White House task force says Russia likely to blame for SolarWinds hack

The Cyber Unified Coordination Group said in a statement on Tuesday that fewer than 10 government agencies have been "compromised by follow-on activity" on federal systems as a result of the hack.


Investor launches class-action lawsuit against SolarWinds over hack

SolarWinds is facing a class-action lawsuit in a Texas court from an investor who says the company misled the public and its customers by not disclosing a known vulnerability to its update server.


IRS IG: No taxpayer data exposed by hack

The IRS inspector general's letter to lawmakers backs up a statement offered by a senior Democratic senator earlier this week.


Biden promises 'overwhelming focus' on hack recovery

The president-elect called out the Trump administration for failing to prioritize cybersecurity in general, and for "downplaying the seriousness" of the ongoing breach that has hit multiple federal agencies.


Cyber exec: 50 orgs 'genuinely impacted' by SolarWinds hack

FireEye's chief executive officer said he's seen evidence suggesting hackers changed code in SolarWinds software as early as October 2019.


CISA: SolarWinds' Orion may not be only entry point for hackers

CISA's latest alert suggests hackers may have found other entry points into the federal government's networks than just the IT management software suite.


GAO calls out agencies for IT supply chain risks

The government watchdog determined most federal agencies were not following best practices for supply chain risk management established by the National Institutes of Standards and Technology.


Lawmakers seek details on damage done by the SolarWinds hack

As information trickles out about which federal agencies have been compromised by a sophisticated hacking operation, lawmakers have begun seeking an extensive accounting of what damage has been done.


NSC invokes 2016 directive to respond to SolarWinds hack

The National Security Council's announcement to create a special group for coordinating the federal government's response to the SolarWinds hack comes as the list of affected agencies grows.


Hack at Treasury and Commerce spurs emergency order from CISA

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued an emergency directive late Sunday night after reported breaches at two cabinet agencies. The Department of Homeland Security, CISA's parent agency, also has reportedly been breached.