
OPM May Announce Size of Second Data Breach Next Week

The embattled federal agency is planning to reveal details about a breach of security-clearance information as soon as early next week, according to Hill sources.


McCain Lays Into OPM Director Over Data Breaches

The head of the Office of Personnel Management faced a third consecutive day of intense questioning over her handling of a series of data breaches last year.


House Homeland Security Chair: Senate Cyber-Info-Sharing Bill Has No Chance in House

Rep. Michael McCaul said he's concerned about elements of the Senate bill that could allow the NSA to collect more information on Americans.

Digital Government

Even Behind Closed Doors, Senators Aren't Getting Their OPM-Hack Questions Answered

Lawmakers say they are still in the dark about basic details of multiple data breaches that affected federal workers last year.

Digital Government

Obama Administration Secretly Expanded Scope of NSA Spying to Catch Foreign Hackers

The revelation, based on documents obtained by Edward Snowden, comes days after a law was passed that would curtail some NSA spying programs—but not warrantless wiretapping.


The NSA's Bulk Collection Is Over, but Google and Facebook Are Still in the Data Business

Private-sector data collection can reveal as much about a person as government surveillance, privacy advocates say.

Digital Government

The Future of the Patriot Act Depends on the Votes of These 10 Senators

If the USA Freedom Act comes to another vote, these are the senators to watch.

Digital Government

What Would Happen if Patriot Act Section 215 Expires

Edward Snowden’s leaks revealed that NSA was interpreting the law to vacuum up millions of U.S. call records every day.

Digital Government

FAA Wishes People Would Stop Flying Drones Near the White House

An illegal amateur flight near the executive mansion Thursday ended with the pilot arrested.

Digital Government

NSA Spying Heads to Critical Senate Showdown

Mitch McConnell will force a vote on a clean reauthorization of the Patriot Act next week as a deadline looms.

Digital Government

Rand Paul Threatens Filibuster Over NSA Spying

The GOP presidential hopeful joins Democrat Ron Wyden in threatening to block a bill reauthorizing the Patriot Act without NSA reforms.

Emerging Tech

CNN and FAA Team Up to Test Drones

The FAA is considering the technology that Amazon would use to deliver packages remotely.

Digital Government

Trade Bill Takes Aim at Foreign Governments' Data Protections

Tech companies and trade groups come out in support of the Trade Priorities Act.

Digital Government

How Tech Giants Became a Leading Civil-Rights Voice

In the tech industry, civil-rights activism is simultaneously considered a responsibility and just good business.

Digital Government

Bipartisan Drone Privacy Bill Back on the Table

Reps. Ted Poe and Zoe Lofgren are reintroducing legislation that would limit how the U.S. government can use drones to spy on American citizens.

Digital Government

How New US Net Neutrality Rules Are Shaping the Internet Worldwide

Supporters see FCC's decision as the first open-Internet domino, but critics are warning of darker possibilities.

Digital Government

Tech Lobby Spends Big in Washington

Regulations and privacy will keep tech and telecom lobbyists busy after FCC's net-neutrality vote Thursday—and the Internet regulation debate isn't going away, either.

Digital Government

FAA Proposes New Rules for Commercial Drones

President Obama also released a memo that orders federal agencies to create drone policies that would protect citizens' privacy and civil liberties.