Digital Government

FBI: ‘Dozens’ of Terror Suspects Have Used Encryption to Hide from Law Enforcement

“I’m surprised if it is only a couple dozen people,” says Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson.

Digital Government

The Government Is Testing Military-Grade Technology to Keep Drones Away From Airports

With the agency’s final rule for commercial drones still more than half a year out, FAA is responding to an increasing number of “close calls” between airliners and drones.


Cybersecurity Bill to Resurface After Next Week’s Recess, Co-Sponsors Say

A stalled information-sharing bill is expected to get a vote soon, despite opposition from some in the tech and civil-rights communities.

Digital Government

Former Intelligence Director: Law Enforcement Must 'Adapt' to Encryption

Mike McConnell, who has served as NSA Director and director of national intelligence, continues his new crusade for strong encryption.

Digital Government

Pentagon’s Lack of Cyber Policy Illegal, McCain Says

Senators pressed Defense and intelligence officials on rules of war for cyberspace at a Tuesday hearing


Government Losing Your Personal Information? Keep It To Yourself, Reps Say.

A bill introduced this month would truncate Social Security numbers on common tax forms.

Digital Government

ACLU Argues for Right to Sue NSA for “Upstream” Surveillance

After getting rebuffed in 2013, privacy lawyers are trying again to convince a federal court to hear its argument that the government’s tapping of the Internet backbone is unconstitutional.

Digital Government

Agencies Say They Need Access to Americans’ Emails Without a Warrant

But FTC and SEC have not used the current subpoena process in five years.

Digital Government

FBI: Weaker Encryption Is a Worthwhile Tradeoff for Law Enforcement Access to Data

Government officials sparred with privacy advocates over encryption, but acknowledged that “back doors” come with risks of intrusion.

Emerging Tech

How a Dancing Baby Video Just Made It Harder To Remove YouTube Content

A panel of federal judges said copyright holders have to consider fair use before issuing takedown requests.

Digital Government

The FBI’s Charm Offensive on Encryption

“The FBI is not an alien force imposed on the American people,” the agency’s director says, as feds clash with Silicon Valley over encryption standards.

Digital Government

Streamlining CISA: Senate May Limit Amendments to Cyber Bill

Sen. Dianne Feinstein said cutting down on the agreed-upon package of amendments could help with timing in a busy season.


Three Cybersecurity Alternatives if CISA Fails

Lawmakers have focused almost exclusively on information-sharing to boost cybersecurity after a series of high-profile government data breaches.


Justice Department to Require Warrants for Cell Phone Tracking Technology

The new policy does not apply to state and local police departments that have used cell-site simulators to track criminals

Digital Government

States Pass Drone Laws in Droves

These laws could potentially clash with future federal regulations.

Digital Government

Federal Court Overturns Ruling Against NSA Mass-Surveillance Program

The bulk-collection program was reined in earlier this summer when Congress passed the USA Freedom Act.


22 Amendments That Could Determine the Fate of Senate's Cyber Bill

These amendments will get a vote if and when CISA comes up after recess.


Ashley Madison Hack Files: 10,000 Emails Belong to US Officials

Hackers and criminals can use the basic identifying information from the breach of the adultery website to access other systems.