
China allegedly involved in Facebook scam against NATO officers

A fake profile for NATO's senior commander lured other officers into accepting a friend request, compromising personal information in the process.


Here's your FOSE 2011 planning guide

The expo and conference, July 19-21 at the Washington Convention Center, will present a smorgasbord of innovative technologies and products, and techniques for applying them to government.

Digital Government

Assessing the space shuttle program's tech legacy

As the space shuttle era draws to a close, we take stock of the technological gains it brought to us on Earth.


Hacker groups snipe each other

As LulzSec and Anonymous team up to hack government websites, a third group emerges.


Hacker arrested in Britain speculated to be LulzSec mastermind

LulzSec and another hacker group, Anonymous, have declared open season on government websites and threatened to cause havoc.

Digital Government

Hackers declare open season on government websites

Two notorious hacker groups have teamed up in an effort to attack federal sites, steal data and vandalize pages.


Virtual options expand Memorial Day observances

Even if you're booked with other activities, you can honor the holiday by paying a virtual visit to some of the nation's memorials.


Can the Web force the release of bin Laden photos?

The relentless search for photos of Osama bin Laden's body, and the potential risks to people searching for them online, might force the administration's hand.

Digital Government

What was on Osama bin Laden's hard drive?

Investigators are poring over a 'mother lode' of data on hard drives, flash drives and other devices retrieved by Navy Seals during their raid on Osama bin Laden's compound.

Digital Government

The Royal Wedding: Good reasons to ignore it

Streaming video will encircle, nay, strangle the globe, and the Prattle Royale will continue all day. It might not be as pretty as you think.


China may be winning cyber war

The pace of cyber espionage between China and the United States has accelerated in recent years, and China, with a campaign investigators call 'Byzantine Hades,' may have taken the upper hand, according to a Reuters report citing State Department cables and security experts.


Governor takes cell phones away from employees

California Gov. Jerry Brown, saying he doesn't see why most state employees need cell phones on the job, has issed an order to collect half of the 96,000 state-issued phones, in a move designed to save $20 million.

Digital Government

White House deputy CTO leaves, will target state and local collaboration

Andrew McLaughlin is resigning from his job as deputy White House chief technology officer to start two companies, one of them to develop collaboration tools for state and local governments.


Revealed: The best agencies to work for

The website Best Places to Work in the Federal Government, produced by the Partnership for Public Service and American University's Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation, ranks employee satisfaction at 290 government organizations.

Digital Government

HHS sweetens the pot for states building health exchanges

The Health and Human Services Department announced a grant program that will fund up to five states or consortiums to build exchanges that HHS hopes will serve as models for other states.

Digital Government

IT tales from the crypt: Where zombies walk the earth

Think zombies don't exist or the undead don't walk the earth? The IT world is full of them.

Digital Government

Cyber 'epidemic' grows more urgent

With cyber threats to linked systems a potential epidemic, a panel of security leaders call for government to step up efforts on standards, collaboration and raising public awareness.

Digital Government

Can technology cure texting while driving?

Readers agree that texting while driving is dangerous and should be stopped, but say that bans against the practice and technology solutions can go only so far.

Digital Government

Agencies ready for real-time FISMA reporting tool, federal CIO reports

The CyberScope compliance tool, scheduled to go live Nov. 15, will replace annual paper reports on FISMA compliance with automated feeds of systems status.

Digital Government

Which states are the most digital of all?

The 2010 Digital States Survey, which ranks states' IT prowess in eight categories, showed little change at the top from the previous survey in 2008 -- with one exception.