Digital Government

IT weaknesses hinder Interior's management of trust accounts, ALMRS

Problems with systems for managing American Indian trust accounts and for tracking records on land leases and mineral rights are the core technology issues hindering better management at the Interior Department, according to a General Accounting Office report released last month.

Digital Government

DOJ suffers from financial management problems

Persistent problems in financial management at the Immigration and Naturalization Service are the No. 1 barrier to a bettermanaged Justice Department, according to a General Accounting Office report released last month.

Digital Government

GAO's 'High Risk' reports target fed vulnerabilities

The Year 2000 problem and information security practices leave the federal government susceptible to fraud, waste and abuse, according to a series of reports the General Accounting Office released last month. The socalled 'High Risk' reports coincide with the release of 21 other reports that detai

Digital Government

Education gets low grade for Y2K, integration

The Year 2000 problem and a lack of integrated computer systems pose the greatest technologyrelated management challenges at the Education Department, according to a General Accounting Office report released last month.

Digital Government

Clinton budget links IT, results

President Clinton's fiscal 2000 budget, released last week, asks Congress to fund large information technology projects that are the cornerstone of the effort to make government work better, as required by a 1993 law. Clinton has requested billions to fund projects that automate critical agency ope

Digital Government

VA needs more data

A lack of data on how well its services are working remains a top management challenge at the Department of Veterans Affairs, the General Accounting Office reported last month.

Digital Government

Former DOJ exec joins SAIC

Mark Boster, former deputy assistant attorney general for information resources management at the Justice Department, took a new job this week as a vice president at Science Applications International Corp.

Digital Government

DOJ requests new resources to fight cyberterrorism

The Justice Department is seeking increased funding for fiscal 2000 to protect government computer systems and to improve its internal information technology operations.

Digital Government

IT problems lead GAO's high-risk list

The Year 2000 problem and information security practices leave the federal government susceptible to fraud, waste and abuse, according to a series of reports the General Accounting Office released yesterday.

Digital Government

Feds work on student online service

Federal agencies last week began working with college officials to design a World Wide Webbased program that would provide college students with a host of government services, including financial aid services and tax filing.

Digital Government

BLM site earns kudos

A team from the Bureau of Land Management last week received Vice President Al Gore's Hammer Award for developing a World Wide Web site that makes land records easily accessible by genealogists and legal researchers. The Web site,, hosts an online database of 'land patents,'

Digital Government

Wireless standard still a disconnect

Nearly six months have passed since vendors released a wave of wireless data products built to a new standard that promises interoperability among different vendors' products, but observers doubt whether this development will spur the industry toward a boom any time soon.

Digital Government

NIMA taps 15 firms for mapping

The National Imagery and Mapping Agency last week awarded contracts to 15 vendors under a $500 million program to create detailed maps and charts based on digital data gathered by satellite and aircraft, potentially paving the way for a greater reliance on commercial mapmaking services. The fivey

Digital Government

HCFA: We're ready for Year 2000

Responding to claims by Congress and the General Accounting Office, a top technology official at the Health Care Financing Administration said last week that HCFA and the contractors that process Medicare claims will have computer systems Year 2000compliant by the end of March. 'Despite what you

Digital Government

Hill shifts leave IT fate unclear

Several members of Congress who have had a hand in how the government buys and uses information technology will depart key committee posts next year, leaving the fate of IT in the 106th Congress unclear, according to industry sources and congressional staff members. One of the most significant chan

Digital Government

Keeping time at INS

You may find many innovators among federal information technology executives, but you probably won't find many graduates of The Juilliard School, the Mecca of musical training in the United States. David Goldberg, the deputy associate commissioner for information resources management at the Immigra

Digital Government

Impeachment e-mail clogs Congress

A surge in email to Congress last week brought about by the impeachment debate forced some mail servers to be taken offline as lawmakers' systems struggled to handle the load. 'There have been some severe problems around here,' said Matt Raymond, press secretary for Sen. Conrad Burns (RMont.). 'U

Digital Government

DOJ's Boster to retire in February

Mark Boster, who for the past five years has guided the Justice Department's $1.1 billion information resources program, said last week that he will leave the agency in early February and look for a new job in the private sector. News of the pending departure of Boster, the deputy assistant attorne

Digital Government

Patient records project stalled

The National Rifle Association plans to file suit next week against the Justice Department if DOJ turns on a computer system that would store data about individuals who purchase guns.

Digital Government

NRA plans to sue DOJ over gun-owner registry

The National Rifle Association plans to file suit next week against the Justice Department if DOJ turns on a computer system that would store data about individuals who purchase guns.