Digital Government

VA abandons PAIRS in favor of existing contract vehicles

Department of Veterans Affairs officials have pulled the plug on an estimated $875 million computer services procurement, opting instead to buy services from existing vehicles such as governmentwide contracts, blanket purchase agreements and the General Services Administration's multiple award sche

Digital Government

INS to deploy fingerprint scanners in fight against citizenship fraud

The Immigration and Naturalization Service last week unveiled a plan to use technology to reduce rampant errors in the naturalization process, some of which have led to the granting of citizenship to criminals. The INS' naturalization process now is based largely on paper transactions, which has re

Digital Government

Y2K costs could sap Clinton's technology budget requests

Major information technology initiatives in President Clinton's fiscal 1999 budget proposal, which was released this month, may be trimmed back by Capitol Hill appropriators as Congress focuses dollars on a the Year 2000 problem.

Digital Government

Spectrum battles mire Defense in budget & safety straits (Part 2 of 2)

Defense Department officials have confirmed that last fall the United States came perilously close to losing its hold on a portion of the radio spectrum used for Global Positioning System transmissions.

Digital Government

Team lays out plans for virtual med system

Officials from the departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs as well as the Indian Health Service last month laid out their plans for a multibilliondollar federal computerbased patientrecord system that could pave the way toward a national standard for virtual medical records.

Digital Government

HUD shares address book agencywide

In a move that should help eliminate redundant information and promote information sharing, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is planning to roll out a central electronic address book for scores of HUD offices nationwide. HUD is developing in house the HUD Communications Manager, whic

Digital Government

GTE expands offerings to spur sluggish sales

In response to sluggish sales on its Federal Wireless Telecommunications Services contract GTE Government Systems this month modified the pact to give customers more options. The new contract modifications which went into effect this past November will allow GTE to sell off the contract in much the

Digital Government

Critics: Clinton training plan falls short

A Clinton administration initiative to spend millions to remedy the nationwide shortage of information technology workers may not help the technical manpower problem in the federal government according to observers of the federal IT arena. Administration officials Jan. 12 announced plans to invGMT

Digital Government

Bill to require posting CRS reports online

Sen. John McCain (RAriz.) is expected this month to introduce a bill that would require Congress to post on the World Wide Web hundreds of repo rts that its members use for studying a range of issues including abortion foreign policy public contracting and telecom munications. But leaders of the

Digital Government

SEC paperless push leaves documents out in the cold

As part of its effort to become a truly paperless organization, the Securities and Exchange Commission said this month it will begin returning to companies and individual investors all paper documents that should have been filed electronically.

Digital Government

ESRI introduces new Internet mapping tool

Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc. this month will begin a push in the federal market with a new product designed to make it easier to share maps over the Internet.

Digital Government

DOD, VA to develop info sharing initiative

The Defense Department and the Department of Veterans Affairs have agreed to work together to develop a system that will allow DOD and VA health care providers to share patient records and related information electronically.

Digital Government

OMB gets tough with agencies

Pushing agencies to hasten their efforts to fix the century date processing problem in government computers the Office of Management and Budget is expected this week to require seven agencies to begin moving hundreds of millions of dollars earmarked for new information technology projects to fix da

Digital Government

DOJ plans to share data agencywide

Justice Department leaders last month said they plan to pursue a massive information technology project that will allow employees across DOJ bureaus to more easily share data including everything from email and payroll information to data on highprofile crimes. The project called the Information

Digital Government

Cohen plan splits C3 & intelligence

Six months after a major review of Defense Department operations Secretary of Defense William Cohen last week announced a sweeping reform of DOD that will dramatically alter how the department manages information technology as well as bolster major Defense IT initiatives. While the Quadrennial Defe

Digital Government

Feds' strategic plans lack specifics on technology

Strategic plans recently created to comply with the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) fall short in showing how agencies plan to manage information to better assess program results and costs a top General Accounting Office official reported last week to a House committee. In a report su

Digital Government

SSA awards another round for program

The Social Security Administration last month awarded a $15 million contract to Electronic Data Systems Corp. to hook up hundreds of SSA offices to its interactive training network bringing the agency closer to training its employees via live video on the desktop. Under the fiveyear task order EDS

Digital Government

Veterans Affairs awards initial pacts for high-speed network

The Department of Veterans Affairs last month entered the final phase of a $300 millionplus project to supply health care centers with a stateoftheart telecommunications infrastructure. The emerging telecommunications system called the Telecommunications Infrastructure Project (TIP) will replac

Digital Government

Miros upgrades face recognition security solution

Wellesley Mass.based software maker Miros Inc. this month will roll out the newest version of a face recognitionbased application for computer security. When a person sits down at a computer CyberWatch 3.0 like its predecessors will sift through a video image to locate the face of the person

Digital Government

GAO says CIOs need focused duties and more authority

A little more than a year after the ClingerCohen Act called for creating chief information officer positions in more than 20 agencies witnesses last week told a House subcommittee that many CIOs are still encumbered with duties that keep them from focusing on management of information resources. I