
Warren presses defense secretary on wasteful contractor spending

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said adding to the Pentagon's topline for 2023 to account for inflation would just invite "defense contractors to pick taxpayers' pockets."


Navy CIO touts NGEN's promise

Aaron Weis, the Navy's chief information officer, said the Navy is looking at "fundamental" architecture changes to make its network more agile and secure.


Can small businesses keep up with defense cyber requirements?

The Defense Department is launching a study to assess how well companies can handle cyber self-assessments.


Air Force software factory looks to unleash 'chaos' on civilian IT shops

The Kessel Run group is currently developing a playbook that would make it easier for organizations across the federal government to adopt engineering and security best practices.


Air Force software factory looks to unleash 'chaos' on civilian IT shops

The Kessel Run group is currently developing a playbook that would make it easier for organizations across the federal government to adopt engineering and security best practices.


Cyber Command’s acquisition growing pains

A Government Accountability Office report found that while CyberCom has matured its Joint Cyber Warfighting Architecture, it doesn’t yet have the metrics needed to justify investments in new capabilities.


Pentagon’s Effort to Supply Departmentwide Cloud Capabilities is Delayed, Again

Officials say they essentially underestimated how long it would take to review plans from the four cloud service providers.


Pentagon’s effort to supply departmentwide cloud capabilities is delayed, again

Officials say they essentially underestimated how long it would take to review plans from the four cloud service providers.

Digital Government

Pentagon Increases Cyber Funding Request for 2023

With more than $11 billion in cyber funding, DOD plans to add cyber teams, continue roll out of zero trust architecture, and improve cybersecurity support for the defense industrial base.


Pentagon increases cyber funding request for 2023

With more than $11 billion in cyber funding, DOD plans to add cyber teams, continue roll out of zero trust architecture, and improve cybersecurity support for the defense industrial base.


Navy CIO says the service is 'on the cusp' of CAC-less cloud access

In an effort to bring the Navy's technology into the present day, CIO Aaron Weis says the service is testing solutions that would allow personnel to connect from virtually any (approved) device without a common access card.


Cyber and future defense budgets

Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said cyber will continue to be a budget priority as it becomes "critical" on the battlefield.


Pentagon acquisition reforms may get more scrutiny

William LaPlante, who has been nominated to be the undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, indicated that he would review recent acquisition reforms and champion modern software practices if confirmed.


Nakasone nixes the idea of an info-ops sub command

Gen. Paul Nakasone, the commander of U.S. Cyber Command, told lawmakers he wanted to integrate more personnel trained in information operations into cyber teams.

Artificial Intelligence

The IC's 4-year Emerging Tech Investment Plan

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence's investment strategy aims to make it easier for companies to connect with program managers.


The IC's 4-year emerging tech investment plan

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence's investment strategy aims to make it easier for companies to connect with program managers.


Pentagon releases JADC2 implementation plan

An unclassified version of the strategy outlines five lines of effort, which includes establishing JADC2 "conformant" IT standards as part of the data enterprise.


Funding for DOD's software pilots holds strong in 2022

Future expansion could hinge on analysis that the strategy is working.


Lawmakers worry about cyber risks in space

Senators questioned the commanders of Space Command and Strategic Command on their plans to handle an increase in space-based threats.