
DARPA's new hardware proves tough to crack

The Defense Department's advanced research arm has early results from its effort to prove that re-engineering hardware makes for fewer cyber vulnerabilities.


DOD's China-tech waiver targets high-volume buys, excludes major weapons systems

Nearly three-fourths of what the Defense Department buys will be temporarily exempt from the government-wide Huawei ban.


Engineering hurdles to clear ahead of tech 're-shoring'

The Trump administration has national security concerns when it comes to foreign dominance in microelectronics, but research and engineering advances are needed as a precursor to new policy, a top official said.


How DOD is updating its online education systems

As the pandemic increases the need for online learning, the Defense Department's chief management officer pushes change.


DOD eyes large COVID payments for contractors

Ellen Lord, the Defense Department's chief buyer, said the organization is considering lump-sum payments for COVID-19 claims rather than negotiating contract-by-contract.


JAIC to expand ethics team

Jane Pinelis, the JAIC's chief of testing, evaluation, and assessment, said the center is working to expand its ethics team, which is charged with ensuring the Defense Department's AI projects meet ethical standards.


Why DOD's diversity problem can't be solved with numbers

Janice Glover-Jones, the Defense Intelligence Agency's chief diversity, equality and inclusion officer, said that diversity has to be more than compliance and "promote inclusive behaviors."


DOD agrees to spectrum sharing deal

An expert panel convened by the Defense Department has offered 100 megahertz of mid-band spectrum to share with commercial networks looking to build up U.S. 5G capacity.


Speeding up the military's 'kill chain'

The military's need for quick technological development is hamstrung by politics, acquisition, and culture. FCW talks with former Senate staff director Christian Brose about his new book on the future of warfare.

Digital Government

Senate Dems cast doubt on DOD watchdog pick

Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) said Jason Abend's nomination circumvented a vetting process set up by the 2008 Inspector General Reform Act.


Top secret telework 'is not a thing'

The National Security Agency is expanding its use of Microsoft Office 365 to support unclassified telework


SecDef: 'Murder of George Floyd was a wakeup call'

Defense Secretary Mark Esper said he's heard similar stories from service members across the branches, which spurred DOD to stand up three initiatives to improve diversity and inclusion.


Trump's pick to head DOD's CAPE talks management

John Whitley, the nominee to lead the critical Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation office talked with the Senate Armed Services Committee about the future of the chief management officer position.


Understanding the DOD's ban on some China-made telecom gear

FCW spoke with Alejandro Sarria and Jason Workmaster, two attorneys specializing in federal contracting to get some clarity on the fast approaching government ban on contracting with companies that use certain telecom equipment and services.


DOD 'on schedule' for August JEDI announcement

The Defense Department's CIO Dana Deasy said a re-announcement of the embattled cloud contract should come by the end of August.


Could a new academy solve the AI talent problem?

The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence is recommending a new academy to train feds to take on federal agency jobs involving emerging technologies including AI.


Pentagon issues contract guidance on China tech ban

The Defense Department outlines how it will implement the upcoming government ban on doing business with companies that use certain Chinese telecommunications equipment.


Culture, leadership are keys to continuing DOD telework post-COVID

Peter Ranks, the Defense Department's deputy chief information officer for information enterprise, said continued leadership on flexible telework policies were needed to create a "new normal."


Senate passes 2021 NDAA with veto-proof majority

The Senate passed its version of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act and the bill now heads to conference.


Sustainment issues plague F-35’s logistics IT backbone

Questions remain about the replacement for the F-35’s logistics infrastructure, Autonomic Logistics Information Systems, which has been riddled with errant alerts and corrupted data transfer.