
What the Senate wants to see in this year's NDAA

The Senate released its text and report for the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. Take a look at a few of the biggest cyber provisions that could make it through final passage.

Digital Government

Air Force Academy taps AT&T to stay up on emerging tech

The Air Force Academy inked a five-year cooperative research and development agreement with telecom giant AT&T to keep better pace with the speed of commercial advancement.


USAF edges toward an agile future

Air Force IT acquisition lead Maj. Gen. Sarah Zabel said that agile didn't make the program objectives memo for 2020 but an embrace of agile development remains a goal.

Digital Government

Army secretary wants robot vehicles on the battlefield by 2028

It's not Skynet yet, but Army Secretary Mark Esper says robotics will change the fundamentals of warfare and that getting there first provides a distinct advantage.


DISA in high gear on MilCloud migration

Facing an accelerated schedule, the Defense Information Systems Agency is staffing up and adding training to help DOD agencies migrate to MilCloud 2.0.


DLA looks to reduce cyber risks by slashing application footprint

The Defense Logistics Agency Director Lt. Gen. Darrell Williams is concerned about supply chain vulnerabilities and thinks reducing the number of applications on DLA's network will reduce risk.


JEDI cloud solicitation misses May deadline

Officials are still working on the final solicitation for the massive cloud initiative.


DOD CIO says there can't be one cloud to rule them all

Dana Deasy told Congress at a FITARA hearing that when it comes to cloud, "there is no such thing as one solution."

Digital Government

House passes defense spending bill with fourth-estate cuts

The $717 billion 2019 National Defense Authorization Act sailed through the House.


Army looks to retool risk management

Col. Donald Bray, the Army's acting cyber director, explained how the service is adapting the Defense Department’s risk management framework guidance to fit its operational needs.


Pentagon cracks down on personal mobile devices

Under a new policy, Defense employees and contractors are restricted from bringing their personal mobile devices into secure areas designated for processing, handling and discussion of classified information.


The thinking behind DISA's $8 billion DEOS contract

DISA leaders said the Defense Department's multibillion dollar business solutions contract will be "a constantly evolving service."


New DOD CIO talks cloud

Newly sworn-in CIO Dana Deasy discussed the need for a "world class" cloud environment to open up the Department of Defense to new capabilities.


Army mulls pause in JRSS migration

Latency and other performance quality issues with applications in the joint regional security stacks have caused DISA and the Army to rework the migration timeline.

Digital Government

DISA plans CAC replacement prototypes for summer

The common access card is on its way out, and its prototype replacements could be in some users' hands by this summer.


NGA deputy director talks acquisition overhaul

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Deputy Director Justin Poole said the key to acquisition reform is more autonomy.

Digital Government

Thornberry tries to hold back efforts to erode 'fourth estate' reforms in FY19 NDAA

As members of the House Armed Services Committee debated late into the night marking up the defense bill, the chairman pushed back on attempts to undo plans to examine combining or eliminating Pentagon back office functions.


NDAA draft would slash number of CIOs in DOD, boost cyber workforce

The House Armed Service Committee's 2019 defense spending bill also calls for more detail on the Pentagon's controversial JEDI cloud acquisition program.

Digital Government

NDAA update: AI funding, space warfare and a ban on Chinese phones

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry’s markup of the 2019 Defense bill will be debated May 9.


Senate quietly confirms new Army Cyber Command leader

Before ducking out for spring recess, the Senate confirmed Maj. Gen. Stephen Fogarty to head Army Cyber Command.