
FBI developing 'Enhanced Carnivore'

The FBI is creating 'Enhanced Carnivore' under a contract running through 01/that calls for the development of two new versions of the system


Committee advances cybercrime bill

A bill that allocates more federal money to agencies that investigate cybercrimes has been approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee


Push for tech worker visas renewed

As Congress returns this week, hightech groups are urging lawmakers to raise the cap on H1B visas, which allow skilled foreigners to work in the U.S.

Digital Government

Net fraud complaints largely over auctions

Internet Fraud Complaint Center has received an average of about 1,000 complaints a week since it opened in May

Digital Government

FBI releasing Carnivore files

The FBI plans to release 3,000 pages of documents pertaining to its Carnivore email surveillance system, but privacy groups object to timetable


Court beefs up Carnivore requirements

Law enforcement agents have to meet the highest legal standards if they want to intercept data that mingles ?quot;to?quot; and ?quot;from?quot; information with the content of the message

Digital Government

Senators propose Web privacy legislation

The bill will require Web sites to provide consumers with a clear opportunity to limit the use and disclosure of personal information for marketing purposes

Digital Government

U.S. updates encryption export policy

U.S. companies can now export any encryption product to any end user in the 15 European Union nations and eight other U.S. allies

Digital Government

Cisco, SBA announce online learning

The Small Business Administration and Cisco Systems Inc. have formed an online training partnership to help small businesses incorporate the Internet into their business operations


SSA advances e-services offerings

Medicare recipients can use a form at SSA's Web site to apply for a replacement card online

Digital Government

Legislators debate proposals for e-commerce taxes

Several bills allow states to collect taxes on catalog and Internet transactions that occur between a buyer in one state and a merchant in another when the merchant has no 'physical presence'

Digital Government

Supercomputer souped up

IBM Corp. shipped the most powerful supercomputer in the world to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory last week, enabling scientists to monitor the condition of nuclear weapons without having to detonate them.

Digital Government

Senate approves Internet filtering amendment

To receive E-rate funding, schools and libraries would have to block access by minors to obscenity, child pornography and 'any other material that the library determines to be inappropriate for minors'

Digital Government

$11 billion needed for rural broadband upgrade

The National Exchange Carrier Association on Wednesday released a survey showing that it would cost nearly $11 billion to upgrade U.S. rural telephone lines


New center targets Internet fraud

The Justice Department on Monday announced a center where the FBI and other authorities will collect and analyze consumer complaints about suspected fraud on the Internet

Digital Government

Politics, high-tech mix at Comdex

A day after Bill Clinton became the first U.S. president to address a technology trade show, a group of Republican congressmen discussed legislative topics with industry representatives

Digital Government

SI Outlook: CExec makes it big in government

IDG News Service For more than 20 years the small Dulles, Va.based systems integrator CExec Inc. has quietly maintained a steady stream of federal business, including contracts to produce passports and build networks for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This year, largely thanks to renewed feder

Digital Government

CSC buys Nichols

Officials from Computer Sciences Corp. said their company's acquisition of Nichols Research Corp. will strengthen CSC's space and missile defense business

Digital Government

Communications crusader


Digital Government

Intelligent Decisions hits the big time

In the past year, the Chantilly, Va.based systems integrator Intelligent Decisions Inc. has passed $100 million in annual revenue, established its professional services as a standalone business unit and was mentioned in the latest Tom Clancy novel.