Digital Government

Anteon to acquire services firm

Anteon Corp. today announced plans to buy Analysis?#038;Technology Inc., an engineering and information technology services company that provides systems engineering and IT services.

Digital Government

Online budget benefits from Starr report

The Government Printing Office has updated its GPO Access World Wide Web site with the president's proposed $1.8 trillion budget for fiscal 2000, carrying on a tradition that began in 1995. But thanks to last year's online release of the Starr report, GPO has put more computing power behind the sit

Digital Government

BMC acquires New Dimension

BMC Software Inc. today announced plans to buy New Dimension Software Inc

Digital Government

Andersen Consulting carves out federal strategy

Officials of Andersen Consulting are well aware that their company is not what government executives think of when they picture the traditional federal systems integrator. In fact, Andersen Consulting officials would not be surprised if they had to explain to any potential customer, government clie

Digital Government

Feds await new Pentium

PC vendors anticipate a high level of government interest in the Pentium III processor, which Intel Corp. launched last week in a media blitz that promises desktop users clock speeds of up to 550 MHz and more agile delivery of video and other multimedia files. Agencies involved in videointensive a

Digital Government

SBA issues draft rules to curb bundling

The Small Business Administration has proposed regulations to slow agencies' practice of combining small, individual contracts into one large contract, a increasingly common strategy in the postprocurement reform era of large government contracts. SBA announced last month that it wants to add its

Digital Government

CIOs use Y2K to enhance visibility

Government chief information officers are using the visibility they have gained doing Year 2000 fixes to improve their status within the agencies they work for, according to the Information Technology Association of America's ninth annual survey of 25 government CIOs, deputy CIOs and information resource management officials.

Digital Government

BTG reduces stake in GTSI

The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee today reported out to the Senate floor a bill that would reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration for two years and asks the agency to submit plans for a multibilliondollar navigation system under development.

Digital Government

OMB readies agencies for e-commerce requirements

The Office of Management and Budget plans to issue within a month draft guidelines for how agencies should comply with a law that requires the federal government to make all transactions electronic in less than five years.

Digital Government

Integrators aim high on software methodology

The software development processes used by federal contractors to write the programs that run the onboard systems of the space shuttle, fighter jets and other complex equipment are graded, like a lot of things in government. Not every company's development process goes through an evaluation, and n

Digital Government

Start-up SI International makes first acquisition

SI International Inc., a startup based in Gaithersburg, Md., today announced it purchased Statistica Inc., an information technology contractor with $20 million in annual revenue and 300 employees. The purchase price was not disclosed.

Digital Government

Unisys Federal builds on Windows NT center

Unisys Corp. has placed a lot of faith in the builditandtheywillcome model. Seeing a need for a facility where federal customers could learn about Microsoft Corp.'s Windows NT in the enterprise, Unisys' Federal Systems Division opened a 'center of excellence' in its suburban Washington, D.C.,

Digital Government

Impeachment e-mail clogs Congress

A surge in email to Congress last week brought about by the impeachment debate forced some mail servers to be taken offline as lawmakers' systems struggled to handle the load. 'There have been some severe problems around here,' said Matt Raymond, press secretary for Sen. Conrad Burns (RMont.). 'U

Digital Government

DeSeve official now

Edward DeSeve has been appointed deputy director for management in the Office of Management and Budget after serving for months in an acting capacity. President Clinton, who first nominated DeSeve in March, announced the appointment this month. He acted under a provision that allows the president t

Digital Government

Integrators shop for acquisitions

Former executives of CACI Inc. and Computer Sciences Corp. have formed a company that aims to reach critical mass in the federal information technology services market by buying and consolidating small contractors. SI International Inc., based in Gaithersburg, Md., will be headed by chairman and ch

Digital Government

GEIA to petition three FAR clauses

Vendors unhappy with the General Services Administration's ability to conduct postaward audits and to seek price reductions and price adjustments are taking their complaints to a new forum under an obscure clause found in the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act.

Digital Government

Vanstar chief 'ready to do something else'

Carleton Jones, president of Vanstar Government Systems Inc., has decided to leave the company. Jones, who was president of Sysorex Information Systems Inc. before it was purchased by Vanstar Corp. last year, said he was satisfied with the work he has done, and his decision to leave was not related

Digital Government

I-TIPS aids spending analyses

The Information Technology Investment Portfolio System sounds like a fancy method for finding the next hot technology stock, but in reality it has nothing to do with investing in a 401(k) or mutual funds. The World Wide Webbased ITIPS helps federal chief information officers and information techn

Digital Government

DOD to test online absentee voting

As part of the growing national interest in online voting, a Defense Department organization plans to test the use of digital ballots to make it easier for Americans stationed overseas to vote in stateside elections. The Federal Voting Assistance Program and five states have begun work on a pilot p

Digital Government

EDS reorganizes government group, cuts top-level jobs

Electronic Data Systems Corp. earlier this month revamped its Government Services Group and eliminated about 10 senior management positions as part of a restructuring that reflects changes in the way federal, state and local governments procure information technology services. As part of the restru