
More CIO execs to leave USDA

Jerry Williams, deputy chief information officer, and Chris Niedermayer, associate CIO for information and technology management, will leave next month.


Report lauds VA's focus on quality care, health IT

The department has improved shared decision-making and performance measurements, the Congressional Budget Office said.


GAO: Rising claims, fewer employees feed SSA disability backlog

Management weaknesses have also contributed to the backlog and claimants' longer waits for resolution, GAO said.


IRS taxpayer advocate: Congress is biggest problem

Tax code changes cause the Internal Revenue Service to delay processing returns, says Nina Olson.


VA awards contract for portal test

The department chose LS3 and Aquilent to design and develop OneVA, the access point for veterans coming into VA, an official said.


GAO: IRS has fixed only 30 percent of security gaps

The agency has not fully implemented an information security program to make sure that controls are effectively established and maintained, according to a new report.


GAO creates checklist for auditor requirements

The Professional Requirements Tool labels what must and what should be used to comply with audits.


Green IT specs now required

Council amends the FAR to enforce green computing mandate.


Late AMT patch delays IRS tax processing

The agency must reprogram its systems to accommodate the last-minute alternative minimum tax changes.


2008 Watch List: Security initiatives show promise

Officials express guarded optimism as milestones for major projects converge


Labor plans FM LOB competition

The department wants to modernize its financial management functions, and reduce disparate and overlapping systems and data.


Green IT formalized in FAR, federal policy

Agencies will have to give preference to environmentally friendly products and services, and they will have to require use of EPEAT in PC products when they are available.


GAO: FAA needs to hit acquisition performance goals

The ramifications of missing budget and schedule targets will become more severe as the agency makes the transition to its Next Generation Air Transportation system, according to a recent report.


TIGTA: IRS wasted money in early HSPD-12 efforts

The lead for Treasury's implementation of the initiative spent $3.5 million on unnecessary hardware, software and services, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.


Customer satisfaction with e-gov falls

One reason for the decline might be greater expectations for Web 2.0 applications, said Errol Hau, a senior director at ForeSee Results, which conducted the survey.


IRS prepares for processing overhaul

With Bush expected to sign a new tax patch into law, the agency faces up to 10 weeks of reprogramming and testing systems.


DOT seeks applications to reduce accidents, gridlock

The department’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration is looking for partners for SafeTrip-21, which provides drivers with real-time safety warnings.


GAO: Federal government lags on financial accounting

GAO blames unreliable agency information and problems with financial systems for the government's poor report.


Senate confirms VA secretary nominee

James Peake replaces James Nicholson, who resigned in September.


Test feds' info security savvy, report suggests

Despite being aware of policies, federal workers continue to violate them, according to a new report by SecureInfo.