
Former CIO Hobbs to coach federal executives

As a coach for the Council for Excellence in Government's Leadership Fellows Program, Ira Hobbs will guide participants through a yearlong personal and professional development curriculum.


OMB tries new tactic for fixing financial reporting problems

CFOs and IGs lead new effort to improve reporting accuracy and efficiency.

Digital Government

Commerce to seek small biz to aid financials upgrade

The contractor would help develop a comprehensive strategy and road map to analyze options for financial management support.


Treasury selects new FinCEN director

James Freis Jr. replaces Robert Werner, who left FinCEN in December 2006 for the private sector.


OMB: Agencies slowly improving financial management

A joint effort by OMB, chief financial officers and the inspectors general could bring further improvements, says OMB controller Linda Combs.


VA said lagging on data security improvements

The agency has taken steps to reduce security weaknesses, but it has not carried out recommendations made by its inspector general or the GAO, House panel told.


GPO to look at new composition system technologies

GPO will need technologies that modernize data input, content, formatting and user interfaces, and integrate with its Future Digital System.


Feds whittle down improper payments

Medicare program is biggest beneficiary of data matching, better internal controls.

Digital Government

Hill presents alternative LOB strategy

CRS report suggests slowing OMB’s financial management initiative to demonstrate results.


HUD creates online housing locator for disaster assistance

The locator lets users set search criteria to locate available housing in a one-stop shop environment.


GAO: NASA should tie award fees to desired outcomes

The agency has developed guidance for use of cost-plus-award contracts but does not always adhere to its approach, the Government Accountability Office said.

Digital Government

President approves stopgap funding for 2007

The $463.5 billion continuing resolution will fund federal operations for the remainder of fiscal 2007.


GAO: IRS modernization still needs improvement

The agency has yet to implement some controls and capabilities related to requirements, development and management, and post-implementation reviews of its BSM program.

Digital Government

Senate approves stopgap funding for 2007

President Bush must sign the measure into law by midnight tonight, when the temporary continuing resolution expires.


GAO: FAA needs to shore up data-driven safety programs

The agency does a better job of collecting and analyzing data, but it must do more, because the volume of air traffic is expected to rise greatly, a GAO report states.