
Preventing friendly fire

The Defense Department has been working for years on technologies that can distinguish friendly troops from noncombatants and enemy soldiers to prevent friendly fire incidents.


Lasers could reduce friendly fire incidents

Military tests Soldier Integrated Multi-function Laser System


Committee wraps up defense spending

The House and Senate conference committee gave the largest increase in fiscal 2004 defense spending to research and development.


Navy IT readies for Isabel

The Navy Marine Corps Intranet's operation center in Norfolk, Va. has already been through emergency situations before.


DOD plans information assurance policy

Look for four documents between now and January, a defense official says.


Army to get CACI systems

CACI will be paid $155 million for Intelligence and Security Command systems.


Defense accounting criticized

Better oversight is needed for closed appropriations, a DOD inspector general says.



New CIO?; By hook or by crook; ITES awards due soon; Logistics breakdowns; JSTARS grows up


Enigma wins vehicle contract

The Marine Corps awarded the $700,000 deal to provide an electronic technical manual for light armored vehicles.

Digital Government

JFMIP pushes standardization

Latest document focuses on inventories

Digital Government

At your service

Although the Naval Medicine Online Web site handles administrative processes for Navy Medicine, it also has useful services for individual users


Naval med portal no longer just a pilot

Site helps sailors with health care

Digital Government

Federal requirements

Other important requirements documents issued by the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program


Air Force readies outsourcing plans

Service looks to incorporate lessons learned from Navy's experience with NMCI


Northrop Grumman wins JWARN contract

The company will get up to $15 million to build a next-generation chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear warning and reporting system.


GAO sees flaws in Defense service acquisition

The military lacks the management structure and oversight needed in service acquisition to improve performance and reduce costs, GAO investigators said.


Joint Forces test friendly IDs

American and Canadian personnel will wrap up a demonstration of systems used to identify friendly forces in urban combat.



NSIPS, DIMHRS Delays; NSA's Hiring Spree; Three-Star Reviews; Hughes Helps Morale; ABCs of ABCS; Iraq Crossing Globally


Navy begins NSIPS transition

The Navy deployed the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System as a Web application or the first time this summer


Navy realigns war research centers

Naval Sea Systems Command will restructure its eight warfare centers along product lines.