
Military health care makes use of tech

Telemedicine and the Joint Medical Surveillance System are transforming military medicine, officials say.


Net-centric on the cheap

DOD tests fewer technologies after funding is slashed

Digital Government


AKO clampdown; Stenbit's swan song?; Autodin's quiet fade; Bad connectivity?


Navy throws manuals overboard

XML replaces paper with bytes


Cebrowski sees transformation change

The director of DOD's Force Transformation Office praises netcentric efforts.


Franks: Net-centric tech is 'heaven'

The man who operations in Iraq and Afghanistan says networked forces can rule the battlefield.


Netcentric warfare to use more sims

As the military becomes a more networked force, it will have to relearn how to fight, the leader of U.S. Joint Forces Command says.


Stenbit content with IT progress

The Defense Department's departing CIO says he's happy with the work done for GIG-BE, NCES, JTRS and other programs.

Digital Government


DARPA hits the small screen; Not exactly a win-win deal


Navy e-business pilots sail forth

The Navy's e-business office says the first round of its fiscal 2004 pilot projects will cover six programs with a total funding of $3.8 million.


Lee back as defense procurement chief

The announcement comes less than three months after she joined the Coalition Provisional Authority.


Navy honcho: More tech, less people

The chief of naval operations says tech has improved and calls for a reduced workforce as a result.


Defense books still don't comply

Continuing a trend that has been ongoing for years, an Inspector General says a credible audit of DOD financial statements can't be issued.


Anteon wins $105 million pact

The company will provide systems engineering and professional services to intelligence agencies.


Tomahawk control capability revealed

The Navy will begin fleet installation of the Tactical Tomahawk Weapons Control Systems this month.


Joint Forces offers new Web-based course

The Defense Department launched a new online course today that gives joint task force personnel a better understanding of joint operations and organizations.


DARPA ignored privacy concerns

DARPA failed to recognize the privacy sensitivities raised by the Terrorism Information Awareness program, according to a report released earlier this month by DOD's Inspector General.


Defense personnel lines shift with IT

Technology is changing the face of the Defense Department, as the roles of service members have blurred between combat, combat support and administration.


DOD has incomplete strategy for some equipment, GAO officials say

Included in the report were the Stryker personnel carrier and Joint Direct Attack Munition.


Work starts on hypersonic weapons vehicle

DARPA and Air Force officials announced that nine contractors are working on the first phase of the project.