
DOD's 'Hello, I am a contractor' policy kicks in

Defense Department officials changed the department's regulations to require service contractors to identify themselves as a contractor, whether in person or in a letter.


Shifting market keeps DOD alert for conflicts of interest

As big defense contractors acquire other companies, officials must pay close attention to avoid conflicts of interest, a DOD official says.

Digital Government

Feds want more detailed info on contractors' time, costs

Officials work to draw a clearer picture of the blended workforce through reports on service contracts.


Procurement data woes: Public lashings probably won't help

A proposed policy to penalize VA contracting officers might not get the desired results, experts say.


DOD to negotiate prices more aggressively

DOD officials are telling contracting officials to bargain prices down, even when there's only one bidder for a contract.


Contracting reform: It comes down to Congress

Inspectors general, auditors and other oversight officials can give recommendations on improvements, but Congress lays down the law.

Digital Government

Social media policies: strict, loose or in-between?

Some agencies block all social media, others block none. Some curtail streaming sites, others just ask employees to be responsible. Is there any chance of these policies coming into harmony?

Digital Government

Obama, DOD see conflicts of interest differently

New White House proposal would give agencies more flexibility when faced with potential harm to the government and other vendors.


Revealing political donations would hurt acquisition process, critics say

President Barack Obama's attempt to have businesses show whom they support politically goes against the intent of a merit-based procurement system by putting seemingly irrelevant information before the contracting officer, officials say.

Digital Government

Contractors required to disclose political contributions: draft order

The White House is considering how to require contractors to declare their political contributions when submitting a contract bid, according to a draft executive order.


Kundra agrees with Obama on IT purchasing

The federal CIO agreed with President Barack Obama's comments on April 14, in which he complained about how the government buys IT.


DOD parses the people factor in procurement reform

FCW talked to Shay Assad for a Q&A. Assad has been at the center of acquisition reforms for years and has most recently led the way in encouraging a customer-focused culture in DOD procurement.


OMB looks for progress on improved performance

Senior Obama administration officials are interested in how agencies have improved themselves based on their priorities during the last year.

Digital Government

Congress passes full-year funding

Congress has passed the agreed-upon legislation to fund the remainder of fiscal 2011.


Wartime contracting panel needs broader view, group says

Criticism of wartime contracting reform comes as officials seek lessons from nongovernmental organizations on their contingency operations.


Obama ties funding to declining debt in proposal

President Obama has proposed across-the-board spending cuts tied to the debt, but left unclear the impacts on IT, workforce and other programs.


VA contracting officers may face penalty for poor recordkeeping

A senior Veterans Affairs Department official plans to propose a penalty for contracting officers if they don't file contracting information into the VA's database.


Legislation would tighten intell IT oversight

Program officers would have to tell the director of national intelligence about their IT projects before they could spend money if a new spending bill becomes law.


IT programs face big cuts in new spending bill

The budget agreement between Congress and the White House would cut nearly $40 billion overall in federal spending. IT programs are a large part of that.