
Meet OMB's new point person on the acquisition workforce

Joanie Newhart, a veteran in the government procurement arena, will lead the Office of Management and Budget’s efforts on building up the acquisition workforce.


Senate votes to expand access Federal Supply Schedules

The Senate has passed the Federal Supply Schedules Usage Act, which would make permanent programs that allow states and local governments buy goods and services from the General Services Administration’s Multiple Award Schedules program’s contracts.

Digital Government

When it comes to government data gathering, public trust is hard to come by

The public doesn't trust government to protect Americans' information, and laws reflect that mind-set, blogger Matthew Weigelt writes.

Digital Government

A few tips from GSA on the art of collaboration

Collaboration is much more than a crowd of people talking together about a subject, according to the administrator of the General Services Administration.

Digital Government

GSA splits Citizen Services, hires Interior's Bhagowalia

The General Services Administration created a new office to identify and apply new technologies to government operations and service delivery. To help with the effort, GSA has hired the Interior Department's chief information officer.


Legislation would freeze agencies' hiring

As the Obama administration seeks to boost the federal workforce to balance the number of its employees with those in the private-sector, a group of House Republicans has proposed freezing agencies' ability to hire.


Closer management can rein in agency contractor ranks, OFPP chief says

Agencies can balance their relationships with contractors with additional resources going to management, according to Office of Federal Procurement Policy Administrator Daniel Gordon.


Senate aims to tighten reins on government IT spending

The Information Technology Investment Oversight Enhancement and Waste Prevention Act would create more scrutiny of IT projects during the planning and implementation phases.

Digital Government

DOD sets rule for overriding arbitration ban

DOD issues interim rule so it can override the ban on employee arbitration agreements in cases of national security.

Digital Government

Government urged to stop meddling in hiring practices

An industry group and others are complaining about a proposal to make contractors use employees from incumbent contractors who lose.


Senate passes bill to fix federal hiring process

The Federal Hiring Process Improvement Act (S. 736) and the president's recent memo calling for an overhaul of the complex federal hiring process feature similar fixes.


House to consider bill to put stimulus money details online

The House may consider a bill to require agencies to post more details about stimulus law money.

Digital Government

Treasury plans auctions for $2B services contract

Treasury Department officials are proposing that reverse auctions be used in awarding task orders under its $2 billion Total Information Processing Support Services contract.

Digital Government

Navy plans preferred contractor program

The Navy plans to offer favorable terms and conditions to companies in a new program in exchange for exemplary work, according to the service.


New details emerge on GSA's plan to buy cloud services

GSA releases acquisition plan for e-mail and collaboration services that includes cloud computing.

Digital Government

Joint Chiefs chairman opts for richer social media to get the word out

Defense Department official shifts away from static forms of communication and toward more interactive types, according to a news report.


GAO reveals recipe for DOD programs success

Here's the Government Accountability Office's recipe for creating successful programs: a mix of high-ranking officials' support and proactive managers poured over sound a business case.


Inherently governmental job proposal blurs a blurry world

The new phrases “closely associated with inherently governmental function” and “critical function,” are causing the most concern, panelists say.


House passes bill to upgrade DOD acquisition workforce

The bill seeks to reform the 80 percent of the Defense Department's acquisition system that 2009's reform didn't touch, some lawmakers say.


GSA wants $24.9M for acquisition workforce

GSA Administrator Martha Johnson says she wants to build up the acquisition workforce and modernize information systems.