
Light: Five tips for the next president

The next president should be careful of what he does during the transition period, one expert says.


Panel proposes new approach to pricing products

Experts are seeking to end the price-reduction clause and create a new way of ensuring fair prices.


Interior, GSA plan on geospatial BPA

Official aim to save money, ease operations through the Geospatial Line of Business.


Defense authorization bill becomes law

President signs a bill that reforms contracting and rebuilds the acquisition workforce.


Mistakes cost GSA time, money, auditor says

GSA's problems with how it handled the Alliant, Alliant SB contracts forced a do-over.


GSA sees agencies buying more via online shops

As agencies go to the Web, officials aim to use that information for price-checks.


Kempf named acting deputy FAS commissioner

The General Services Administration's leadership continues to be in flux.


Panel to recommend rolling back pricing clause

MAS panel said other forms of pricing checks make the price reduction clause obsolete.


GSA adds schedules oversight office

Divided among several offices, schedules program could go in different directions.


Panel approves bills on IT, federal employees and telework

A Senate committee has approved legislation that would affect the federal workforce and information technology as this year's session draws to a close.


New office will manage schedules contracts

GSA's new Multiple Award Schedule Program Office will align policies and coordinate improvements.


Bush signs bill to fund government

The measure fully funds two departments and provides continuing resolution money for other agencies.


McCain wants to end cost-plus contracting

In Friday's debate, McCain said ending that type of contract would help get a grip on agency spending.


Is E-Gov Act in jeopardy?

Privacy amendment could threaten reauthorization of key programs.


Going through the motions

The Multiple Award Schedule Advisory Panel made several recommendations about fixing the General Services Administration's schedules program during its Sept. 19 and 22 meetings.


Panel: Rethink services pricing

Critics: Nature of professional services makes it difficult to apply GSA’s price reduction clause.


Update: Senate to consider bill with billions for IT

The funding measure would allow most of the government to run at fiscal 2008 levels until March and provide fiscal 2009 budgets for DHS, DOD and the VA.


Panel wants larger DHS acquisition workforce

A House committee has proposed spending $6.7 million for new DHS staff members who would check high-risk contracts.


Panel: Agencies need GSA pricing primer

The General Services Administration needs to help agencies understand how to get the best price on purchases made through multiple award schedules contracts, according to an advisory panel.


Acquisition needs more than contracting officers, officials say

The Homeland Security Department’s acquisition shop is overlooked and underdeveloped, critics say.