
Contracting changes how businesses do business

Performance-based contracting demands that companies amend how they have bid on contracts in the past, one expert says.


Large companies get larger, smaller firms smaller

Large information technology companies’ share of federal contracting dollars is increasing, and small and midsize IT firms are losing market share.


GSA revenues fall, FAS misses several 2006 goals

The agency's governmentwide acquisition contract task orders totaled $2.4 billion in fiscal 2006, down $1 billion from a year ago.


SEWP stays with NASA; Doan upset by decision

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy announced that NASA would remain the executive agent for the Scientific and Engineering Workstation Procurement, despite the objections of GSA.


OFPP's Denett: Competition works

The OFPP administrator says GWACs are not proliferating but simply filling market needs.


E-gov fee-for-service deals on the rise

Agency contributions are declining as fees cover more of the cost of the programs, part of OMB's long-term plans.


Six months into the Lurita Doan era

GSA’s new administrator lives up to her lightning rod reputation.


GSA schedule sales increase in 2006

But an analysis from Input shows the GSA schedules’ IT services sales declined 6.5 percent compared with last year.


E-gov satisfaction score stalls, ASCI finds

Aggregate citizen satisfaction with the 87 federal Web sites measured improved only 0.3 percent from the third quarter to 73.9 on the ACSI’s 100-point scale.


Agreement may smooth GSA, DOD relationship

A new memorandum of agreement clarifies ambiguous aspects of acquisition policy regarding interagency contracting and rules applying to acquisitions conducted on DOD’s behalf.


OMB score card neglects citizens, report states

The Executive Branch Management Score Card scores agencies quarterly on how well they are instituting the President's Management Agenda but leaves goals related to citizens untracked.


GSA continues to fill FAS posts

Effective Dec. 24, Gary Feit will be assistant commissioner of the Office of Customer Accounts and Research.

Digital Government

Lawmakers demand answers from Doan on proposed IG cut

Several high-profile members of Congress have denounced her move to cut the IG's budget and send auditing duties to private companies.


Interagency contracts need parameters, officials say

There are 253 interagency contracts throughout the government, according to a recent survey, and that number is cause for concern.


Denett expects to defend competitive sourcing

The OFPP administrator said he expects more questioning from the incoming Democratic-led Congress.


GSA's Doan, IG struggle over money

She says the inspector general is dancing the "Washington two-step" regarding her push for cutbacks to the IG office's budget.


Companies focus wares on IPv6 transition

Hexago sees a market for gateway devices to span the gap between IPv4 and IPv6.


Lawmakers urged to consider expanded mandate for e-filing

GAO points to states’ success with mandatory e-filing.


IRS prepares campaign to resuscitate Free File

IG blames a renegotiated agreement for the steep drop in taxpayer participation.


Doan proposes shuffling GSA's central office, policy shop

Moving OGP under the congressional affairs office will “weave the important role OGP plays in helping to shape government policies that work,” Doan wrote in an e-mail message to FCW.