Digital Government

Adobe targets governments with LiveCycle



FCC approves merger of SBC, AT&T

The commission also approved the union of Verizon and MCI, but both pending mergers are subject to restrictions.


CACI adds Rivermine as partner

The integrator will market Rivermine's telecommunications expense management software to federal clients.


AT&T names small, midsize Networx partners

More than 40 information technology companies will support AT&T Government Solutions if it wins a spot on the Networx contract.

Digital Government

SRA takes on new protg

CDS2, a woman-owned 8(a) firm, already subcontracts to the integrator on DOD and DHS projects.

Digital Government

Walker: America needs a strategic plan

Panel members at the Executive Leadership Conference say there is a need for governmentwide enterprise architecture plan.


The times they are a-changing

The role of government and taxpayer expectations are changing, experts say.


Panel: Manage acquisition, not just procurement

Procurement reform has been successful at making it easier for agencies to buy the goods and services they need, but efforts to improve the process have often missed the bigger picture.


OFPP to study interagency contracting

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy will make interagency contracting a key issue in 2006, along with strategic sourcing, said Robert Burton, OFPP's associate administrator.


E-voting machines are not always secure

Although electronic voting machines have become a regular feature at the ballot box, a growing number of critics have raised concerns about the machines' security, reliability and accuracy.


Defense transformation requires new view

Thinking about DOD as a corporation is the wrong approach, the deputy undersecretary of Defense for business transformation said.

Digital Government

What a difference six months could make

Fluctuating industry could complicate Networx award process

Digital Government

Suss Consulting adds 2 executives

The firm wants to broaden its information technology consulting capabilities.


GSA pursuing anti-virus deals

The agency plans to soon expand the SmartBuy program to include McAfee, Sophos and Trend Micro.


GSA picks local official to oversee Alliant effort

Tom Howder will lead a local team developing the Alliant governmentwide acquisition contract for information technology products and services.


Performance contracts gain ground

Although agencies are becoming more comfortable with them, developing performance measures and service-level agreements remains challenging.

Digital Government

FEMA renews AT&T contract

Under the $8.9 million contract, the company will continue operating the agency's National Network Operations Center.


GEIA predicts subdued federal IT market growth

Association predicts 2.9 percent growth rate, lower than the 3.6 percent growth in last year's market forecast.

Digital Government

Juniper buys Acorn

Acorn develops technologies to connect legacy time-division multiplexing applications across IP-based networks.


Cisco launches interoperable communications system

The IP Interoperability and Collaboration System uses IP to allow radios to interoperate with one another and with other IP-based devices.