
Sade leaves Commerce for GSA

The overseer of Commerce's small-business COMMITS contract will lead acquisition management at GSA.


GAO: Agencies nearly out of time for IT exchange

With only one year left to begin exchanges, participating agencies are still getting programs under way.


Survey: Young people interested in government work

The main challenge is attracting managers to federal jobs, according to a survey conducted by the Council for Excellence in Government and the Gallup Organization.


USAID, USPS sign AT&T deals

The company will provide voice, data and IT services to the agencies.


OPM gets new incentive to award incentives

A new executive order allows OPM to award some types of incentives without having to consult with OMB.


Verizon to provide voice for Forest Service

The task order could span five years and was issued under GSA's Connections contract.


Army seeks digital coaches

An Army command is doing market research on the availability of firms that can harvest knowledge from top performers and pass it on to less successful employees.


State, OPM team on clearance processing

The agencies are combining their resources to process security clearance applications for overseas DOD installations.


Managers don't encourage telework, study finds

A study shows that more than 75 percent of federal employees don't get management support for telework.


DOE to use Compusearch for procurement management

The software company will support Energy's Strategic Integrated Procurement Enterprise System program.


Government Inc.

Policy-makers have worked hard to make the federal government run more like a business, but how far can they go?


Contractors advised to comply with DOD Directive 8570.1

Mandated security training for DOD workforce applies to DOD contractor employees, too.


Students to shadow federal IT employees

The CIO Council is planning its first Job Shadow Day since 2003.


University: Invest in feds

George Washington University teamed with BearingPoint to produce recommendations for recruiting more talented job candidates.

Digital Government

NIST-backed panel calls for end to paperless voting

A forthcoming report recommends that standards should require some form of software-independent vote verification.


Va. governor reaffirms telework support

Thirty-two Virginia companies pledge to promote employees' ability to work from remote sites.


Sindelar looks to future retirement

The GSA official sees an end to his government service on the horizon, but he has not set a date.


OPM searches for financial management providers

The agency is no longer trying to develop a tailored solution with the Bureau of the Public Debt.


GSA mandates building information modeling

Technology has potential for facilities management.


Pa. county to provide certified electronic records

Lancaster officials will use authentication technology to validate documents distributed electronically.