Digital Government

Small businesses fight to compete

Changing rules force companies to stay creative

Digital Government

Blades poised to cut into federal server market

Systems let enterprises pack more computing power into smaller spaces


Former feds put expertise to work

Government contracting pros are hanging out a new shingle


FTS adjusts to changing landscape

Commissioner Sandra Bates says FTS is working on a next-generation strategy


Corda joins Siebel Alliance

Small software developer is joining the Siebel Alliance Program as a software partner


Study: $60B spent on IT services

Agencies awarded more than $60 billion in IT services contracts in 2002, Input study shows


ITAA survey reveals CIO worries

Federal CIOs are concerned about the President's Management Agenda and homeland security


Fox outlines plans for FSS

A top official at GSA's Federal Supply Service is planning changes to make the service more efficient

Digital Government

CSC closing in on DynCorp buy

Stockholders to vote on acquisition; both companies are major players in the federal market

Digital Government

XML standard set for secure Web services

Extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) established as an OASIS standard


Flyzik to lead ITAA homeland group

Former federal official has been named chairman of the ITAA's Homeland Security Task Group

Digital Government

Treasury's Thompson to join Unisys

Former executive in the Treasury CIO office will oversee Unisys' e-government projects


Small biz certification rules delivered

GWAC agencies must require small businesses to recertify their size and classification annually


GAO: Improve acquisition training

Report suggests more training for acquisition officials in light of rapidly changing rules

Digital Government

Balutis named Veridyne president

Consultant Alan Balutis has been hired as president and chief operating officer at Veridyne Inc.


Avaya renews GSA contract

New cooperative purchasing rules also could extend the contract to state and local governments

Digital Government

Small biz recertification required

Agencies that use GWACs will have to recertify small businesses annually beginning April 1

Digital Government

New consulting firm allies with Input

Two government veterans launch consulting firm and partner with research firm Input

Digital Government

Kirsch leaving CDW-G

Departing senior vice president has been with the reseller for 13 years

Digital Government

Apple preps new storage system

Apple introduces new storage system and upgrades Xserve Unix-based server