
Number of Foreign Companies Within Defense Supply Chain Grew Over Past Decade, Report Says

Reliance on foreign suppliers in the defense industrial base rose—notably in packaged software and IT services—even as calls for reshoring increase, according to a new report.


CBP Shifts to Enterprise Approach to Manage Phone Searches at U.S. Borders

The agency uses metadata to create a system of record for electronic device searches but agents may be able to access information irrelevant to their cases. 


Pentagon Wants Contractor Feedback on Rule Change that Bans Certain Chinese Firms

A provision of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act banning agencies from contracting with companies doing business with Chinese firms like Huawei and ZTE now takes effect.

Digital Government

Education Department Testing Tool to Make Data Collection Requests Easier 

The pilot tool will undergo testing using real information requests at the Education Department and other statistical agencies but will later be available to other agencies.


GAO to Suggest More than 100 Ways to Secure Federal IT Supply Chains

An upcoming GAO report will provide recommendations for civilian federal agencies to secure their global supply chains.


Agencies Off-Pace to Switch to New Telecom Contract Before Cutoff Date, GAO Says

The latest FITARA scorecard showed what percentage of operations have moved off old infrastructure contracts—and the numbers aren’t good. 

Digital Government

Bill Calls for ‘Mile-by-Mile’ Assessment of Tech Needs at the Southern Border

Rep. Xochitl Small Torres on Wednesday introduced the Southwest Border Security Technology Improvement Act in the House, a bipartisan bill that’s already moving through the Senate.

Artificial Intelligence

Report Recommends Doubling Federal Funding for AI Research

A new report from Reps. Will Hurd, R-Texas, and Robin Kelly, D-Ill., calls for increased funding and stronger federal leadership on artificial intelligence development.


Democratic Senators Join Industry Groups in Calls to Extend CARES Act Funding Authority for Contractors

Industry groups are asking for an extension for the authority to reimburse defense contractors during the COVID-19 pandemic.


5 Ways the FITARA Scorecard May Evolve 

Ten scorecards later, lawmakers and experts are looking for new ways to update the metrics on which agencies are graded.


Most Agencies Are C-Students on 10th FITARA Scorecard

The latest FITARA scorecard marked a milestone since the first report in 2015—no agency received a D or an F grade. But fewer agencies improved grades this time around. 


USDA Unveils Fresh Round of Updates

New features on the portal include a dashboard to help farmers track H-2A related application decisions in real time. 

Artificial Intelligence

Facial Recognition Algorithms Struggle to Detect Faces Under Masks, NIST Study Finds

A new study from the National Institute of Standards and Technology found facial recognition algorithms developed pre-pandemic struggle to identify masked faces.

Digital Government

HUD IG Warns Agencies to Watch Out for Bidding Fraud

Procurement officials should be on alert for anticompetitive bidding scheme and possible collusion, the agency’s inspector general says.


DISA to Release Zero-Trust Model This Year

Vice Adm. Nancy Norton said the Defense Department must take a data-centric approach to protecting its networks.

Digital Government

Contact Tracing Demonstrates Need for National Privacy Laws, Lawmaker Says

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers said the technology being developed to aid the fight against coronavirus proves the need for a standardized privacy framework.

Artificial Intelligence

4 Senators Introduce Bill with New Tools to Compete Against China

The bill includes major tech proposals, calling for more investment and closer partnerships with allies.