Digital Government

FBI Calls for Photos, Videos of Insurrectionists at the Capitol

The Department of Justice said some participants will be charged in connection with the riots.

Artificial Intelligence

Air Force Software Hub Needs New Data Chief

Boston-based Kessel Run is looking for a chief data officer candidate with extensive technical experience.

Digital Government

DOD Expands Data Repository for Business Information Across the Enterprise

The Defense Repository for Common Enterprise Data will be able to support more information systems across the agency with the new designation.


10 of 15 of DOD’s Major IT Projects Are Behind Schedule, GAO Found

Lack of talent is one of the key reasons Defense officials cited for shortfalls implementing cybersecurity best practices. 

Digital Government

DOD Released Its First Enterprisewide Data Strategy in 2020. Here’s Why It Matters.

While industry experts say the strategy lays a much-needed foundation, the devil’s in the details when it comes to implementation.

Artificial Intelligence

Critical Update: Why Having Artificial Intelligence Talent is a National Security Issue

Dr. José-Marie Griffiths discusses her work crafting workforce recommendations for Congress as part of her work with the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence.

Emerging Tech

CBP Should Halt Expansion of the Biometric Entry-Exit Program, Many Commenters Write

Advocacy groups and the City of Portland wrote the Homeland Security Department urging a full stop on expanding the use of facial recognition technologies. 

Emerging Tech

Researchers Sent ‘Smart Fabric’ Capable of Detecting Microscopic Vibrations to Space

The acoustic fabric, which could eventually be used in spacesuits and soldier uniforms, “bridges the physical and digital domains,” officials say. 


DIU, CISA Team Up to Coordinate Cybersecurity Tech Investments

The Defense and Homeland Security departments agreed to develop cybersecurity technologies for national security applications together.


GAO Issues ‘Wake-Up Call’ Report on Agencies’ Lax Supply Chain Security Management

The bottom line is that none of the 23 agencies audited fully implemented foundational risk management practices. 


Exit Interview: DeLuca Discusses Time as Acting TTS Director

“I wanted to make sure that the group itself was strong enough to go and take whatever that next step was going to be,” said Bob DeLuca, who will return to his position at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.


What We Know About the SolarWinds Breach

The White House invoked Presidential Policy Directive-41 to coordinate a "whole of government" response.

Emerging Tech

Pentagon Risks Falling Short on Electromagnetic Spectrum Goals, GAO Finds

The Defense Department needs to improve governance and oversight of EMS strategies in order to maintain operational control, according to a new audit.


$496M Contract Will Give DOD Engineering Capabilities, Official Says

A new Pentagon five-year contracting vehicle will support modernization and the development of the joint warfighting concept and promote technological innovation.

Emerging Tech

Pentagon Seeks Software to Analyze Data from Twitter

The Defense Department posted a solicitation for software capable of gleaning real-time intelligence from social media feeds.


DISA Nearing Completion on Certain EIS Task Orders

The Defense Information Systems Agency, which is leading the move to EIS for the Defense Department, reported the pandemic has not slowed transition progress.

Digital Government

DOD’s $11B Contract to Consolidate Fourth Estate Networks Is Out for Bid

The Defense Enclave Services contract will bring agencies under a common network architecture.

Emerging Tech

AFWERX Launches Space Innovation Hub

Air Force officials announced the creation of SpaceWERX, a team to help Space Force tap into cutting-edge technologies.