
OPM Debuts Cyber Careers Site

It's part of a push to remedy the federal government's cyber talent shortage.

Digital Government

Lawmaker: Public Libraries Can Boost American Innovation

He recommended installing maker-spaces in libraries across the country.

Emerging Tech

Senators Reintroduce Bill to Remove Barriers to Connected Device Industry

The DIGIT Act would promote economic activity by encouraging the internet of things industry to blossom.

Digital Government

Reintroduced Bill Would Stop Government From Searching Your Emails Without a Warrant

The Email Privacy Act updates the 1980 Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which outlines that law enforcement can search messages more than 180 days told without a warrant.

Digital Government

Why Procurement Officials Shouldn't Fear Debriefings

Post-award meetings help unsuccessful companies learn how to perform better next time.

Digital Government

The Case Against Federal Chief Innovation Officers

An executive with another title could make more impact, analysts say.

Digital Government

White House Effort Wants to Use Data to Kick Out Invasive Species

An executive order signed earlier this month directed agencies to invest in data tactics to prevent invasive species from entering.

Digital Government

Report: 'We the People' Online Petitions Don’t Do All That Much

White House's online petition platform has seen 38.5 million signatures on over 473,000 petitions.


FTC: Your Holiday Shopping Apps Might Be Fake

The agency warned consumers to watch out for fraudsters seeking credit card information.


NIST Issues Cyber Recovery Playbook

The guide is for CIOs and CISOs in federal agencies.