Digital Government

CMS is fixing drug benefit snafus

Planning for the Medicare drug benefit program required developing a new IT system in less than a year, administrator Mark McClellan said.


E-health group releases exchange tools

The eHealth Initiative has made how-to kits available for creating regional health information organizations.


Doctors want payment boost for using e-health records

American College of Physicians calls for Medicare reimbursements when doctors use health IT to track patients' histories or offer consultations by phone or e-mail.

Digital Government

Health IT gets a mention in State of the Union

Bush reiterates his support for e-health records but makes no new proposals

Digital Government

Panel to HHS: Move it

Sociological issues slow IT deployment


Study: EHR adoption will miss goal

A study concludes that it might take a decade longer than Bush envisioned to have e-health records for most Americans.


Brailer makes his senior staff official

Four who held temporary posts become permanent.

Digital Government

Health IT advisers: Get initiatives moving

American Health Information Community members press HHS to deliver more.

Digital Government

Health IT should include long-term care, coalition says

A report from a coalition of 14 organizations asks that long-term care be considered at each step of a national health information network’s development.

Digital Government

Standard for portable health records is published

Continuity of care standard will make it easier for health providers to know patients' status.

Digital Government

Health IT bill goes to House

The Senate passed the Wired for Health Care Quality Act in November 2005.


HRSA creates a health IT office

The office will promote health IT among grantees, including public health departments and clinics serving uninsured patients.

Digital Government

E-prescribing standards update is recommended

Committee urges HHS to update Script standards physicians use to send prescriptions to pharmacies.

Digital Government

Public health groups get grants for exchange participation

Foundation aims to help state and local agencies become part of health information exchanges.

Digital Government

Insurers tout efforts to promote health IT

Health insurance companies advocate using IT to improve patient care and minimize cost increases, a new report from the industry’s trade association states.


D.C. area will get disaster victim tracking system

Prince George's County, Md., is spearheading development of a regional system.


Wanted: Systems to track disaster victims

Comcare Emergency Response Alliance is developing requirements for systems that would track people's locations and medical needs following catastrophes.


GAO criticizes IT spending at HHS, CMS

Auditors find agencies lack sound processes for high-level management of IT.

Digital Government

CDC enhances disease surveillance system

To make its disease surveillance system more attractive to public health departments nationwide, CDC is making it more powerful and user-friendly.


CHCS II is dead; long live AHLTA!

Midway through deployment, DOD renames its global medical records system.