Digital Government

VistA-Office is released -- sort of

CMS makes open-source-based e-records software available for evaluation as part of limited release.


Military Health System appoints CIO

Retired Army colonel spent 26 years in Army Medical Service Corps.


Brailer: Health IT vision takes shape

After responding to the crisis following Hurricane Katrina, the national health IT coordinator sees more opportunity to drive technology use.

Digital Government

Rand pegs health IT savings at $81B a year

Think tank report encourages the federal government to do more to accelerate the adoption of such technology.

Digital Government

Leavitt names advisory board members

The commissioners represent various segments of the health care industry, those who pay for care and consumers.

Digital Government

The calculus of change

The U.S. health care bill could be cut significantly through wider use of health IT systems. What will it take to get doctors to use the technology?

Digital Government

Vendors scramble for seats at the table

Industry players emerge in the high-stakes effort to shape a national health IT policy and speed the implementation of clinical information systems.

Digital Government

Health IT to help with care for Katrina victims

Agencies are trying to recover parts of patient medical records from electronic systems to replace paper records lost in the storm.

Digital Government

Free EHR software is on hold

The release of free electronic health record software from the Department of Health and Human Services has been delayed indefinitely.


New help for consumers to pick best hospital

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services adds three new quality measures to the 17 already available for consumers to compare hospital performance.


Outdated hospital bed system hampers Katrina relief effort

The National Disaster Medical System relies on phone calls and faxes to gather information about available beds following disasters.

Digital Government

State legislatures back health IT for Medicaid

National Conference of State Legislatures support push for expanding health information technology to Medicaid, the health care program for the poor and sick.

Digital Government

System uses quality data to improve health care

Software allows nursing homes to head off falls and other health threats to residents.


Health industry exchanges more information, survey finds

The number of health information exchanges that share information has nearly tripled during the past year, according to an eHealth Initiative Foundation report.

Digital Government

Long-term care lags in health IT

Developers of Health IT records are overlooking long-term care institutions as they implement records in the health care industry, experts say.

Digital Government

Indiana health net will aid nursing homes

Information available through regional health networks will help managers determine whether they can care for a prospective resident.


Health care needs systems know-how, report says

A new study suggests creating university-based centers to train health care professionals to apply systems expertise to health care delivery.


Health IT office takes shape

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology was officially launched in a notice in the Federal Register.

Digital Government

IT no cure-all for prescription errors

Report shows how errors can occur when doctors use automated systems to prescribe medicine.

Digital Government

Patient ID is trouble spot for commission

Federal advisory group on interoperability was unable to agree on whether to recommend use of national health ID numbers.