
A Biden-Harris 'reset’ for feds

Federal employee unions and associations are hoping for concrete day-one rollbacks of Trump administration workforce policies on diversity training, official time, collective bargaining and the new 'Schedule F' classification.


18 state AGs call to end Trump's crackdown on diversity training

In a letter, 18 state attorneys general and the AG from the District of Columbia say that a recent executive order on diversity training is having "opposite effect" of its stated goal of preventing discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity or sex.


Immigration judges union decertified in FLRA ruling

The decision reversed decades of precedent and garnered a strong dissent from one FLRA member, who called the ruling "the antithesis of reasoned decision making."


Civil rights groups sue to block diversity training order

"Regardless of whatever dates or deadlines are in the executive order, the chilling effect is happening now," an attorney involved the case said.


Interior IG: USGS director retaliated against whistleblower

A watchdog report alleges that an "impermissible, retaliatory motive" was behind the reassignment of a whistleblower at the U.S. Geological Survey.


House Dems press OPM to block Trump's civil service overhaul

More than 30 House Democrats are calling for an immediate halt to the implementation of President Trump recent executive order to reclassify elements of the civil service as at-will employees.


New House bill aims to halt Trump's civil service revamp

The Saving the Civil Service Act would block last week's executive order creating new classification of career federal employees in certain key roles and reverse any personnel moves made as a result of the order.


OPM directs agencies on civil service overhaul

A memo from acting personnel chief Michael Rigas told agencies they could look outside the boundaries of a recent executive order for jobs to reclassify, but that the Office of Personnel Management would make final determination.


White House plans to fast-track restrictions on contractor diversity training

The fast-track deviation clause, designed to support the Nov. 21 rollout of new restrictions on diversity and inclusion training for federal agencies and contractors, is expected to be followed quickly by a Federal Acquisition Regulation rulemaking case.


Trump order creates Schedule F, to speed hiring and firing in key positions

The Oct. 21 executive order looks to reshape the competitive service by allowing agencies to reclassify policy jobs under a new schedule and give senior managers greater flexibility in hiring candidates and firing employees.


House bill looks to boost COLA for Social Security recipients, federal retirees

The bill uses a different cost-of-living adjustment index to bring the adjustment to 3%.


Key questions remain for contractors about diversity training regulations

Although a Department of Labor official says diversity training is still possible for federal contractors under the new policies, confusion over the guidelines has already resulted in cancelled training as agencies and contractors hit pause rather than risk violating a Trump administration executive order.

Digital Government

GSA announces 2021 Presidential Innovation Fellows

The upcoming group is the most diverse cohort to date, including 34 fellows that will work across 22 federal agencies.