
GSA pilots small biz e-mall

To increase procurement opportunities for small and disadvantaged businesses, the General Services Administration has launched a pilot Web site at


E-procurement stirs small-biz fears

Eprocurement initiatives suggested by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy may exclude small businesses from competing for government contracts, experts say


USPS eBillPay system

A secure Web portal to pay any individual or business via the Internet.

Digital Government

Agencies buy into 3-D

Accurately tracking a hurricane can mean the difference between life and death.


USPS puts stamp on online billing

The fear of losing billions in revenue has pushed the U.S. Postal Service to deliver an online service for electronic billing and payments.


USPS puts stamp on online billing

Through a new online service called eBillPay, USPS is offering customers the option of paying their bills online via a secure Web portal

Digital Government

SGI sets up federal subsidiary

SGI Federal will focus on the specialized needs of government agencies and expand the services it offers


FAA telecom bids in jeopardy

Transportation's FTS 2001 strategy may dampen competition for $2 billion project


Vendors open data centers for hire

Up and down the Dulles corridor in Northern Virginia, numerous unmarked, warehousetype buildings are nestled among hotels, office parks and fastfood restaurants. In the past, such a sight in the Washington area would have signaled a classified government office. But today, it's just as likely to be one of the many commercially owned buildings where government networks are maintained.


USDA competes with private data centers

Chances are that if you contract with a third-party data center, it's going to be one that is owned and operated by a private company. Not always though.

Digital Government

AOL Attacks Digital Divide

As the Internet continues to grow and become an integral part of American society, American Online Inc. has launched several programs to increase accessibility in rural and low-income areas.

Digital Government

Hill shies from technology

The erevolution may be taking over the private sector and even some federal agencies, but members of Congress and their staffs resist using technology to their own detriment, according to a panel of experts that met last week.

Digital Government

Data center selling points

The growing number of companies trying to win government outsourcing dollars are counting on three Bs to sell their data center services: bandwidth, backup and bulletproof design.


The FAA Networks

Transportation's FTS 2001 strategy may dampen competition for $2 billion project

Digital Government

Congressmen wary of e-mail

Confidentiality concerns, uncertainty about constituents make members of Congress leery about using technology to correspond with constituents

Digital Government

ERDAS geographic information software passes Windows 2000 test

ERDAS Inc. has had its ERDAS IMAGINE 8.4 geographic information system certified to run on Microsoft Corp.'s new Windows 2000 operating system.


Winstar scores second MAA

For the second time in less than a week, Winstar Communications Inc. has been awarded a Metropolitan Area Acquisition contract from the General Services Administration


Purchase card fees pinch vendor profits

The government purchase card, which has become big business over the past several years, is proving to be too much of a good thing for some computer companies.


CSC wins integration contract

$50 million award from GSA will buy strategic planning, requirement analysis, system design and integration


Georgia shopping for telephony system

The state is running a series of Internet telephony lab trials to determine which company and system will best suit its needs