
Brit Allegedly Extracted Data from Pentagon Satellite System

The data compromised includes employee contact information and mobile device ID numbers.


Former WH Deputy CIO Lands at Fortune 500 Medical Device Firm

Alissa Johnson has served as deputy CIO in the White House’s Executive Office of the President since March 2012.

Digital Government

The Big Fix: Is Washington Ready for IT Reform?

From creating digital fix-it squads to promoting unorthodox methods of buying technology, the five in-depth stories in the ebook explore how the government and Congress are tackling IT reform and the forecast for success.

Digital Government

Attention, Nextgov Readers: We Need Your Help

Take our anonymous survey and let us know what stories and content you like consuming on Nextgov and what types of coverage you want to see more of.


Kim Jong-un’s Operating System Now Available in the Free World

The jingle that plays when you boot up the system is a popular Korean folksong, Motherboard reports.


The Year of the Breach: 10 Federal Agency Data Breaches in 2014

While private-sector cyberincidents stole the spotlight, the feds proved to be a tempting target for hackers as well.


48,000 Federal Employees Potentially Affected by Second Background Check Hack

OPM is alerting more than 48,000 federal employees their personal information may have been exposed following a breach at KeyPoint Government Solutions, which conducts background investigations of federal employees seeking security clearances.

Digital Government

Among Best Federal Agencies to Work, NASA Continues to Soar

This is the third year in a row the agency was named the top place to work among large federal agencies.

Emerging Tech

Information Overload? Not For Most Americans

Almost all say the Internet and cell phones have made it easier for them to learn new things.


Blogger Leaks ‘Evidence’ of China’s Propaganda Machine

Email archive reveals the IDs and online activities of paid, pro-government digital commentators.


Now Parking Lots Near Retailers Are Getting Hacked

Customer banking data affected during payment system breach at firm known as Standard Parking.


Why Do So Few Feds Champion User Experience?

A dearth of staff resources, a lack of awareness about UX and nonexistent management buy-in are the top challenges.


Anonymous Hacks KKK Accounts as Klan Threatens Ferguson Protesters

Hacktivists allegedly posted personal details of Klansmen online and hijacked their Twitter feeds.


Widespread Drupal Bug at the Root of Indiana Government Breach

Nigeria Cyber Army claimed responsibility for vandalizing the state's Department of Education website.


Attention, HHS: Don’t Do What Australia Did with Its Online Health Exchange

Down under, a government-administered health exchange accidentally exposed consumer data online.


Teacher’s Hacked Email Account Sends His Nude Photos to Students

Ex-lover of California educator broke into his school account and mailed indecent images.


Cyber E-Book Turns Spotlight on Threat Vectors

The “Emerging Threats: Assessing 2014 Attack Vectors” explores the threat landscape for five different areas.


California Cops Text Nude Photos Stolen from Smartphones of Women in Custody

After a DUI accident, a female’s phone was ransacked and ogled while she was having X-rays taken.


Gawkers at Two Hospitals Peek into Rob Ford’s Patient Records

Cancer-stricken Toronto mayor says he hopes the premier investigates the privacy breach.