Digital Government

Encrypted Messaging Apps Vex Lawmakers

Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Democrats want an in-person briefing from the White House counsel on the staff’s use of encrypted apps and personal and professional Twitter accounts.

Digital Government

Government Matters: Budget Cuts and Hiring Cyber Talent

A new administration continues to present challenges to government agencies.

Digital Government

Lawmakers Bump NASA Bill and Increase Several Agencies' Cyber Responsibilities

The House scheduled a vote on NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017 for Monday under suspension of rules, but dropped it off the schedule.

Digital Government

Hackers Steal Coachella Accounts; Bugs Leak User Data, Passwords

Just another week in ThreatWatch, our regularly updated index of noteworthy data breaches.

Artificial Intelligence

Podcast: How the Government is Putting Artificial Intelligence to Work

While the private sector puts AI to use in eye-catching projects, the government is taking a different path.


Hackers Target Journalists, Tribal Members and Use Forged Cookies

Just another week in ThreatWatch, our regularly updated index of noteworthy data breaches.


Hackers Embarrass David Beckham, Breach Arby's and Knock Offline Dark Web Sites

Just another week in ThreatWatch, our regularly updated index of noteworthy data breaches.

Digital Government

Lawmakers Show Love to Blockchain, 'Star Wars,' But Question FBI FOIA Changes

They're also proposing a way to slow down any presidential efforts to remove sanction on Russia.


Homeland Security to Unveil 12 New Tools at Cyber Conference

The tools tackle malware attacks, internet visualization and social media analysis.

Digital Government

Lawmakers Want to Drain the Swamp of Feds and Beef Up Cybersecurity

As committees reveal their priorities, expect a focus on IT modernization and cybersecurity.


Hackers Hold Info Ransom, Steal Diplomatic Emails and Infect CCTV System

Just another week in ThreatWatch, our regularly updated index of noteworthy data breaches.


Cyber Breach at Hospital; McDonald's User Info Exposed; and a Gmail Scam

Just another week in ThreatWatch, our regularly updated index of noteworthy data breaches.

Digital Government

Video: Analyzing GAO's Decision To Deny Protests of Alliant 2

The contract will be in use for the next 10 years and $65 billion are at stake.

Digital Government

Congress Tackles Cabinet Confirmations, Expands Watchdog Powers

Lawmakers wrapped inaugural week by confirming the nominees for the Defense and Homeland Security secretaries.