Digital Government

Teresa Carlson returns to Microsoft

She rejoins the company nearly 12 years on from her last stint there.


Questions to ask when hiring former federal workers

A new bid protest ruling describes some trouble spots companies could run into when hiring former government officials.


DOD plans next phase of JADC2 satellite layer

Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and York Space Systems will build 126 satellites under $1.8 billion in contracts to develop the network for tracking and responding to threats from missiles and hypersonic weapons.

Emerging Tech

DOD Plans Next Phase of JADC2 Satellite Layer

Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and York Space Systems will build 126 satellites under $1.8 billion in contracts to develop the network for tracking and responding to threats from missiles and hypersonic weapons.


Why NSA has to rebid its $10 billion top-secret cloud buy

Evaluation mistakes sunk NSA's first try at the $10B cloud award known as Wildandstormy.


Analysis: Are better debriefings driving down protests?

Beginning 2018, the Defense Department started conducting what are called "enhanced" debriefings that allow for more dialogue with companies after they've lost a contract. That means unsuccessful bidders get more information on where their bid fell short without filing a protest.


General Dynamics challenges rival's $2.7B cloud migration win

An incumbent on a key Homeland Security data center contract says it should have been the one to manage the migration to a hybrid environment.


John Garing, former Air Force and DISA exec, dies at 78

The winner of GCN's Hall of Fame award in 2010, Garing continued his government IT career with Suss Consulting and Vion Corp.


Court denies Perspecta's NGEN protest

Perspecta has held the Next General Enterprise Network contract for 20 years, dating back to when one of its legacy business in EDS won the Navy-Marine Corps Intranet contract in 2000.


GSA cancels troubled ALLIANT 2 small business vehicle

GSA awarded spots on Alliant 2 SB to 81 companies in February 2018 but those award were followed by over a year of protests at the Government Accountability Office and at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.


Perspecta's NGEN protest denied

The Government Accountability Office has denied Perspecta’s challenge of the $7.7 billion Navy NGEN award that went to Leidos.


General Dynamics loses NGEN protest

General Dynamics IT has lost its protest of the $7.7 billion Navy Next Generation Enterprise Network recompete award that went to Leidos in February, according to a statement released Thursday by the Government Accountability Office.


DOD's $7.6B cloud email buy heads for redo

Less than a week before a final protest ruling was due, the Defense Information Systems Agency and the General Services Administration are taking another corrective action in their big business software buy for DOD.


Former GSA official among Trump's pardons

David Safavian was administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy when he was arrested in 2005.


DEOS cloud set for a do-over

After a protest, the General Services Administration and the Defense Information Systems Agency are planning to take another look at their $7.6 billion cloud award.


Is a Trump review on tap for JEDI?

President says "I’ve had very few things where there’s been such complaining" as the Pentagon's cloud acquisition has prompted.


IBM's Red Hat deal targets long-term federal success

IBM's planned $34 billion acquisition of Red Hat is not aimed at bringing a quick hit to Big Blue in the federal market.


Oracle wins bid to block TRANSCOM cloud award

The Government Accountability Office recommended that the Pentagon terminate its $950 million award to Amazon cloud reseller REAN made under an "other transaction authority."


DHS CIO plans multi-cloud strategy

John Zangardi is spinning up a cloud steering group to develop an enterprisewide strategy for DHS that will include multiple providers.


DOD says JEDI strategy coming May 7

At a Senate hearing, top Defense officials told lawmakers that a justification for the Pentagon's cloud procurement strategy called for in a recent spending bill will be submitted before the final request for proposals hits the street.