Digital Government

HHS site reaches out to new audience

With the expected growth of the Hispanic American community and the increasing popularity of alternative medicine, the Department of Health and Human Services recently added two features to its World Wide Web site to serve a broader and more ethnically diverse population. Since 1997, more than 4.5

Digital Government

Union: DOD should prove outsourcing benefits

A government union today asked Congress to impose a moratorium on further contracting out by the Defense Department because thousands of government employees, including information technology professionals, may lose their jobs.

Digital Government

IRS plans to request first Prime funding

The Internal Revenue Service's top technology official last week told a group of industry leaders that the tax agency this week will request its first set of funds from Congress to develop a business plan for the IRS' highprofile, multibilliondollar modernization project. During a meeting of the

Digital Government

Clinton administration disputes Y2K spending report

The Clinton administration last week denied accusations that some federal agencies have either misspent or not properly tracked hundreds of millions of dollars allocated for Year 2000 fixes. The General Accounting Office released a report last week on how agencies have spent some of the $3.35 billi

Digital Government

LOC picks new material for Digital Library

Portraits of pioneers trekking westward and of the country's first AfricanAmerican church are among the collections of 12 institutions recently selected by the Library of Congress to make their historical treasures available on LOC's World Wide Web site. In all, LOC has selected 33 institutions in

Digital Government

Feds misuse Y2K money, GAO says

Some federal agencies have not kept good records of how they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars in money that Congress allocated last year for Year 2000 fixes, with some agencies spending the money on unrelated projects, according to a report released today by the General Accounting Office.

Digital Government

IRS set to ask for first modernization funds

The Internal Revenue Service's top technology official today told a group of industry leaders that the tax agency next week will request its first set of funds from Congress to develop a business plan for the IRS' highprofile modernization project.

Digital Government

CSC wins refugee system contract

The State Department this month awarded a $9 million contract to Computer Sciences Corp. to develop a standardized computer system that will result in speeding up the process of moving refugees to the United States. State's Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and CSC will develop the globa

Digital Government

HCFA official: Medicare will be ready for Y2K

A top administrator at the Health Care Financing Administration last week said she is 'relatively optimistic' that the Medicare provider payment systems will be free of Year 2000 computer problems, but medical devices still pose a threat. HCFA administrator NancyAnn DeParle told a joint hearing of

Digital Government

Bill would open Y2K sked to state, local agencies

Rep. Tom Davis (RVa.) last week introduced a bill that would permit state and local governments to buy hardware, software and support services from the General Services Administration schedule to address the Year 2000 problem. A spokesman for Davis said the Year 2000 Compliance Assistance Act, H.R

Digital Government

HCFA, GAO square off over Y2K

A top administrator at the Health Care Financing Administration today told two House subcommittees that she is relatively optimistic that the Medicare provider payment systems will be free of Year 2000 computer failures, but she cannot be so sure about medical devices.

Digital Government

HHS plans adoption Web site

The Department of Health and Human Services expects to launch within two years a World Wide Web site devoted to recruiting parents for children awaiting adoption through public agencies across the nation. HHS' children's bureau plans to debut the site in 2001. It will feature pictures and descripti

Digital Government

Making IRS work less taxing

Paul Cosgrave, the chief information officer at the Internal Revenue Service, brought to the embattled tax agency years of technology experience acquired in the private sector. He also brought his own unfavorable image of the federal work force. But Cosgrave said that image was quickly replaced wit

Digital Government

IRS wants up-front cash for Prime

A top information technology official at the Internal Revenue Service last week warned that if Congress does not advance it $325 million, the tax agency's highprofile modernization effort could be delayed. During a recent hearing, the IRS asked members of the House Ways and Means Committee to supp

Digital Government

Clinton administration: Governmentwide Y2K testing day unnecessary

The White House today announced that it does not support a bill that would require federal agencies to set aside one day to conduct governmentwide testing of key computer systems to assess their Year 2000-compliance.

Digital Government

IRS data project boosts debt collection

Since the last tax season, the Internal Revenue Service has brought online one of the largest data warehouses in the federal government to store tax information that will help the agency collect debts from taxpayers. The Compliance Data Warehouse, which cost the IRS only $2 million, already has gen

Digital Government

100,000 call U.S. Y2K hotline

The Clinton administration today reported that the federal government's free information hotline for the Year 2000 computer problem has received more than 100,000 calls in its first three months of operation.

Digital Government

OMB outlines fed/state Y2K requirements

A top administrator at the Office of Management and Budget today told a House subcommittee that federal agencies have new deadlines to meet to fix the Year 2000 computer problem.

Digital Government

IRS center pilots imaging system

The Internal Revenue Service is using new imaging software to instantly store and retrieve complex files that involve negotiations and settlements with taxpayers who are unable to pay their debts in full. The new technology, being piloted at the IRS service center in Austin, Texas, is designed to r

Digital Government

IRS exec says planning key to modernization effort

A tax executive at the Internal Revenue Service today said the agency has put a tight grip on the purse strings for the multibilliondollar project to modernize the agency's computer systems in order to make certain that preliminary planning for the modernization is solid before money is spent.