Emerging Tech

New Air-Ops Software to Get 5G Test Outside Las Vegas

The Air Force will build a 5G network at Nellis AFB, the latest U.S. base to host experiments with the next-gen comms gear.

Emerging Tech

A Medical-Delivery Drone Service Gets Approval Amid Coronavirus

ZipLine, whose drones have delivered more than 100,000 packages in Africa, will begin flights in North Carolina.


What Google’s New Contract Reveals About the Pentagon’s Evolving Clouds

For one thing, it disproves fears that the massive JEDI contract meant one company would get all the work.

Artificial Intelligence

How AI Will Soon Change Special Operations

A new SOCOM office is pursuing tools to understand and influence populations, clear rooms with robots, and spot new forms of jamming.

Emerging Tech

Air Force Leaders Fret As Another Satellite Maker Declares Bankruptcy

Service leaders are asking for Congressional help in shoring up the defense industrial base.


Iran Is Increasing Its Military and Cyber Activity, Report Says

After a big drop in April, Iran’s conventional military activity is up. Cyber operations never slowed down.


FBI Got Everything It Asked for in DNC Investigation, Refuting ‘Missing Server’ Myth

New transcripts released by the House intelligence committee shed light on Russia’s interference in 2016 election.

Artificial Intelligence

COVID-19 Is Accelerating Trends in the U.S.-China Relationship

Economic analysts see a closing window for U.S. policymakers to engage with Chinese counterparts on areas of mutual interest and benefit.

Emerging Tech

Pentagon, Senators Blast FCC Decision to Let Company Share GPS Spectrum

Space Force chief, Pentagon tech leaders, and the Armed Services chairman led calls to reconsider the controversial license for Ligado.

Digital Government

Defense Innovation Board Director Moves to Google

It’s another sign of the healing relationship between the Defense Department and big tech.

Digital Government

U.S. Intel Community Says Coronavirus Was Not Made In a Lab

The statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence comes after months of speculation and disinformation.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Outperforms Human Analysts In This Key Area

An experiment from the Defense Intelligence Agency shows that AI and humans have different risk tolerances when data is scarce.

Emerging Tech

Army Research Shows How Do-It-Yourself Facemasks Can Be as Safe as N95s

Personal protective equipment for hospital workers is running out. This design works as well as the best in class.

Artificial Intelligence

The Pentagon Will Use AI to Predict Panic Buying, COVID-19 Hotspots

The prototype can predict trends in supply and demand and infection down to the zip code.

Emerging Tech

What’s Wrong With the Air Force’s ‘Connect Everything’ Project

In a new report, GAO watchdogs say officials can’t say how much it costs or if it’ll even work


The Pentagon Is Using Zoom. Is it Safe?

Experts say the ubiquitous videoconferencing tools bear some risk of accidentally exposing mundane details, and even inviting a new wave of deep fakes. But the risks can be managed.

Emerging Tech

If Space Startups Fail, the Pentagon’s Going to Need Some New Plans

The coronavirus is threatening young space companies — and the military’s plans to rely on them.