Emerging Tech

DARPA-Funded Work May Help Troops See Around Corners

By setting up multiple sensors, researchers have learned to “see” what’s out of sight.

Emerging Tech

The Military Now Has Tooth Mics For Invisible, Hands-Free Radio Calls

The future of battlefield communications is resting comfortably near your back gums.

Emerging Tech

It’s Now Possible To Telepathically Communicate with a Drone Swarm

DARPA’s new research in brain-computer interfaces is allowing a pilot to control multiple simulated aircraft at once.

Emerging Tech

Russia, U.S. Are In a Military Exoskeleton Race

A look at the Iron Man-like dreams and power-starved realities of dueling technology programs.

Emerging Tech

Austin, Texas, Just Became the U.S. Army’s Silicon Valley

The service is making a big bet that getting closer to tech startups will help deter future adversaries.

Emerging Tech

Ukraine Startup Building Drones with Grenade Launchers

A prototype Ukrainian drone has carries a grenade launcher. Still unclear: — how it’s going to get past Russia’s jammers.


Someone Is Waging a Secret War to Undermine the Pentagon’s Huge Cloud Contract

The battle for the Defense Department’s $10 billion war cloud is getting a lot more interesting.

Artificial Intelligence

Tomorrow’s Intelligent Malware Will Attack When It Sees Your Face

IBM researchers have injected viruses with neural nets, making them stealthier and precisely targetable.

Artificial Intelligence

Tomorrow’s Intelligent Malware Will Attack When It Sees Your Face

IBM researchers have injected viruses with neural nets, making them stealthier and precisely targetable.


Russian Military Spy Software is on Hundreds of Thousands of Home Routers

In May, the Justice Department told Americans to reboot their routers. But there's more to do — and NSA says it's up to device makers and the public.


The Future Airman is a Hacker

Air Force recruiters will prize computer skills more highly, while the service will encourage airmen to experiment with their own solutions

Digital Government

Surveillance Cameras Will Soon Divine Your Personality from Eye Movements

Machine-learning techniques promise to make biometric data far more useful for intelligence gathering.

Emerging Tech

Satellite Imagery + Social Media = A New Way to Spot Emerging Nuclear Threats

A research team is training computers to find and fuse clues from wildly different rivers of digital data.


Pentagon Creates ‘Do Not Buy’ List of Russian, Chinese Software

Increasingly alarmed at foreign hacking, DOD and intelligence officials are racing to educate the military and defense contractors.


China Is Still Stealing America’s Business Secrets, U.S. Officials Say

The 2015 agreement between Xi and Obama produced only a lull in Beijing’s economic espionage.


Computers Have Found a Better Way to Spot Emailed Malware, Researchers Say

Somehow no one thought of applying machine learning to malicious email in exactly this way. But the results are big.


Chinese Hackers Targeted Internet-of-Things During Trump-Putin Summit

A spike in attacks sought access to devices that might yield audio or visual intelligence.