Emerging Tech

The Marines Are Giving Quadcopters to Every Squad

The Corps says new robots, tech, and video games will keep Marines on the tactical edge.


How Long Did the US Government Know about Spectre and Meltdown?

The largest CPU bug in history caught the Defense Department by surprise. Or not.


No, the U.S. Won’t Respond to A Cyberattack with Nukes

Defense leaders won’t completely rule out the possibility. But it’s a very, very, very remote possibility.


The Military's Losing War Against Data Leakage

The Defense Department can’t stop the rising river of of digital metadata — or prevent enemies from dipping into it.

Emerging Tech

The Cost To Put a Microsatellite Constellation Into Space Just Fell Through the Floor

Super-cheap rocket startup hits orbit in new test, demonstrates space maneuvering to deposit satellites.

Emerging Tech

Here’s How to Stop Squelching New Ideas, Eric Schmidt’s Advisory Board Tells DoD

An exclusive preview of the Defense Innovation Board’s new recommendations for James Mattis.


As America’s Nukes and Sensors Get More Connected, the Risk of Cyber Attack Is Growing

Future nuclear weapons will be more sophisticated and better integrated with other equipment. That has benefits and drawbacks.

Emerging Tech

Tomorrow’s Cargo Drones Won’t Look Much Like Today’s Helicopters

Boeing unveils a squarish, skeletal quadcopter to try out new unmanned-delivery concepts.

Artificial Intelligence

How the (Likely) Next NSA/CYBERCOM Chief Wants to Enlist AI

A look at Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone’s public statements about artificial intelligence, offense, and defense.

Artificial Intelligence

Trump's Pick for NSA/CyberCom Chief Wants to Enlist AI For Cyber Offense

A look at Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone’s public statements about artificial intelligence, offense, and defense.

Emerging Tech

Pentagon Seeks Laser-Powered Bat Drones

A new contest seeks flight systems inspired by Mother Nature and powered by directed-energy beams.


Iran’s Cyberwar on Dissidents Could Infiltrate Your Mailbox

Tehran’s agents are busily working against the protesters — and anyone who may have contacted them from abroad.


New National Security Strategy Sees Rising Russia, Retreat on ‘Democratic Peace’

Donald Trump’s first strategy talks about threats and nation-state competition but also signals a reluctance to compete philosophically or morally.


Russia, North Korea Eye Bitcoin for Money Laundering, Putting It on a Crash Course with Regulators

Thieves and sanctioned countries are targeting the digital currency’s exchanges, setting up a fight between governments and cryptocurrency powerhouses.

Artificial Intelligence

A Fight Is Brewing Between Congress and the Military Over Cyber War

Should in-theater commanders be allowed to launch attacks that currently require approval from the national command authority?


Which Bugs Will Hackers Exploit First? Machine Learning Promises a Better Guess

Most vulnerabilities are known; defenders need a better way to know which ones pose an imminent threat.