
How Equipment Left In Afghanistan Will Expose US Secrets

Even rendered inoperable, equipment now in the hands of the Taliban will yield troves of information about how the U.S. builds weapons and uses them.

Emerging Tech

House Bill Aims to Bridge Acquisition ‘Valley of Death’ In Race to Counter China

A draft of the House NDAA markup outlines two provisions to fix the gap between research and acquisition.

Artificial Intelligence

How AI Is Revealing the Secrets of Iran’s Nascent Centrifuge Factory

Satellites can’t directly observe the underground facility, but analysis of its surroundings yields a progress report.

Artificial Intelligence

SOCOM Members Got an All-Star Crash Course in AI

Over a unique six-week course, participants met virtually with tech leaders to talk about AI's future.

Emerging Tech

Bird-Mimicking Electric Drone Hits New Endurance Record

As the military grapples with connecting more things over longer distances, recent flight reveals a way forward.

Artificial Intelligence

Researchers Create Drone Swarms That Can Detect Gas Leaks, Other Threats

A new algorithm called “Sniffy Bug” shows how tiny drones will do dangerous work even in areas where they can’t use GPS.

Artificial Intelligence

How JEDI’s Ghost Will Bring Bitter Rivals Together

The death of the Pentagon’s controversial cloud computing mega-contract likely puts Amazon and Microsoft in a new sort of partnership.


A Catch-22 Is Keeping Telemedicine Off the Battlefield

Wargame planners won’t include even low-bandwidth telehealth until it has proven valuable in wargames.

Artificial Intelligence

It's Time to Wargame Against an AI-Enabled China

Top commanders say military training needs to reflect how artificial intelligence will change the pace of war.

Artificial Intelligence

Deputy Defense Secretary Says US Needs to Defend Its Artificial Intelligence Better

AI safety is often overlooked in the private sector, but Deputy Secretary Kathleen Hicks wants the Defense Department to lead a cultural change.

Emerging Tech

Military to Use Lasers to Send Data From Space to Drones

In the first experiment of its kind, military researchers will attempt to link drones to satellites via light.


Russia’s Latest Hack Shows How Useful ‘Criminal Groups’ Are to the Kremlin

Russian coders have little choice but to work with their government, which in turn denies any knowledge of their activities. That’s why hacking activity shows no sign of slowing.

Artificial Intelligence

Russia Is Accelerating Its Own Link-Everything Network

The U.S. sees networked warfare and AI as a game-changer. But what happens when your opponent copies your move?

Breaking News Artificial Intelligence

China Features Heavily in the Army’s Next Big Emerging Tech Experiment

The Army’s connect-everything experiment is about to get much bigger, and looks across the Pacific.

Artificial Intelligence

A Better Way to Spot Deep-Faked Satellite Images

Training AIs to look at 26 subtle features may help thwart attempts to peddle fraudulent imagery.

Artificial Intelligence

Free the Data: Vice Chiefs Launch an Acquisition Crusade

Better access to weapon data is crucial to faster Pentagon purchasing — and dangerous to industry business models.