Digital Government

Yes, it’s called the Office of Work/Life/Wellness

The Government Accountability Office on Dec. 16 released a study on the effectiveness of OPM’s Office of Work/Life/Wellness.

Digital Government

Ho-hum, more bad news for feds

Well, to add insult to injury (no COLA, pay freeze, higher health insurance premiums, etc.), the new tax bill just approved by the Senate does not include Civil Service Retirement System feds among those who will benefit from a 2 percent reduction in payroll taxes next year.

Digital Government

Here come those 2011 deductibles ...

OK—the 2010 open season for the Federal Employees Healthcare Benefits Program is finally history. The time for looking at rate charts, brochures and competing plans is over.

Digital Government

Old dogs, old tricks

In recent comments posted on this blog, we’ve noted a number of references to age discrimination at federal agencies—long-time employees not receiving raises/promotions to which they believe they were entitled.

Digital Government

Just whistle ...

As we sift through legal cases as part of our news reporting process, we sure see a lot of feds fail at pressing whistleblower claims and/or obtaining redress for whistleblowing-related retaliation—and it’s not because of a shortage of wrongdoing in the federal government.

Digital Government

Dreaming of early outs

Even some of the most dedicated feds are fed up (pun intended). One recent comment on this blog noted that if his agency offered a "buy-out"—more properly called a Voluntary Separation Incentive Payment (VSIP) or Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA) offer—the workforce there would immediately experience a reduction-in-force of one.

Digital Government

No, not death panel … DEBT panel

Well, it doesn’t look like the president’s bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility ventured too far from the recommendations released last month by the two chairmen of the panel.

Digital Government

Bad timing for feds nearing retirement

With the leaders of the president’s debt reduction panel calling for a three-year freeze on federal civilian pay, and with budget hawks about to take control of the House, chances are probably good that President Obama’s proposed two-year civilian pay freeze will get through Congress and make its way back to his desk.

Digital Government

Never a dull moment

Well, it looks like feds are being asked by the White House to share the pain of the private sector with a two-year pay freeze.

Digital Government

Prepare to hunker down in 2011

Those who represent federal employees (both union types and lawmakers) squeezed a lot of solid gains for feds from this outgoing Congress, especially in terms of improvements to retirement benefits, and—depending on your point of view—the demise of the National Security Personnel System.

Digital Government

All Clear on Security Clearances?

ccording to testimony presented this week before the Senate federal workforce subcommitee, there’s been a lot of headway made in trimming the time it takes to process a security clearance.

Digital Government

Telework bill still cranking through Congress

Well, with the mid-term elections and all the noise over federal pay, we haven’t heard much about the telework bill lately. But the National Treasury Employees Union hasn’t forgotten about it. The union today said it is calling on members of the House to agree to Senate amendments to the bill, H.R. 1722, which passed the House earlier.

Digital Government

Everybody wants to get into the act...

Wow. If you (or we) thought things would calm down for feds after the elections, we all have another think coming.

Digital Government

Vets, it’s time to speak out

As Veterans Day approaches, we might note that a lot of feds who read and use our publications are also vets. If you are one of them, you also follow blogs, or you wouldn’t be here.

Digital Government

Furloughs, freezes and other measures

The shift in power in the House in the new year may put a lot of things back on the table when it comes to the federal workplace.

Digital Government

At least it's over

Well, as expected, the Republicans have taken control of the House. And a number of Republican House members who have been talking tough over the past months about trimming government will be stepping into leadership positions when their party assumes majority status.

Digital Government

The more things change ...

If you are still steaming over impending health insurance premium increases, or get angry (one way or the other) when someone mentions “Obamacare,” then you probably should stop reading this. Late this afternoon, we spotted a headline that said the stock market was moving higher ahead of the mid-term election results. So of course we had to have a look.

Digital Government

Thinking of a lucrative retirement job? Maybe not …

Are you near retirement? And considering a retirement job? Well, if you believe the job market will welcome the rich skill set you acquired during your working career, that may not necessarily be the case. At least not the way you think.

Digital Government

Mad at your health plan? Open season beckons...

Well, it’s almost that time gain—FEHBP “open season.” Health insurance—again—is the big issue this year.

Digital Government

Never too late to learn

There’s a certain comfort in going to work and knowing that you can sit at your desk and handle anything that comes your way. That you have the knowledge and experience to get the job done. That you could do your job with your eyes shut.