Digital Government

16 years as a ‘temporary’ employee

A retired IRS employee who was hired under a temporary hiring authority recently told a House panel how she worked for 16 years in “temporary” status before being reclassified as a permanent employee. Because she spent years as a temp, she lost time-on-the-job credit that ultimately reduced her retirement annuity.

Digital Government

Are they really ‘interns’?

A June 25 forum on the federal hiring process hosted by the Office of Personnel Management gave critics of the Federal Career Intern Program yet another chance to sound off.

Digital Government

Spouses wait to see what’s next for popular career program

As noted in an article in FederalDaily, DoD is still trying to figure out what to do with the Military Spouse Career Advancement Account program, which has proven to be just a little too popular.

Digital Government

Another strategy—workforce reduction

There are just too many feds out there, according to some lawmakers. Rep. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., last month joined with like-minded colleagues to introduce a bill that proposes to freeze federal hiring in years the country runs a federal deficit. This now appears be every year into the distant future.

Digital Government

Fanning the flames—again

“The federal workforce has become an elite island of secure and high-paid workers, separated from the ocean of average American workers competing in the global economy.” The words are from a blog post by Chris Edwards, director of tax policy studies at the Cato Institute. The whole post – more of a position paper, actually – can be found at a Cato site called

Digital Government

‘Inherently governmental’ remains a sticky wicket

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy is getting closer to adopting a final rule that contains a clearer definition of what constitutes an “inherently governmental” function—i.e., one that should be done only by federal employees. But judging from the comments filed on the proposed rule, no one is completely thrilled.

Digital Government

Pay gap a thing of the past?

One reader response to our “Freezing out feds” post maintains that the “pay gap” between private-sector and federal jobs is an outdated notion—perhaps valid 10 years ago, but no longer true today—especially when factoring in the value of federal benefits.

Digital Government

Freezing out feds on the payroll front

While they haven’t had much success, some in Congress are calling for a federal pay freeze for Fiscal Year 2011.

Digital Government

How bad is FCIP?

Many participants in the recent debate over how to make the federal hiring process easier and more efficient have taken aim at the Federal Career Internship Program.

Digital Government

New hiring process easier on federal jobseekers

President Obama on May 11 released a memorandum announcing changes to federal hiring processes that will make it easier and simpler for job candidates to apply for federal employment.

Digital Government

Telework—blessing or curse?

The move to implement telework in the federal workplace suffered a setback on May 6 when the House rejected the Telework Improvements Act.

Digital Government

NSPS: 7,000 down, and 219,000 to go …

Some employee groups have worried that the differences between NSPS and GS may produce a loss of pay or grade. If you’re one of the 7,000 back in GS, we’re sure that the folks who are still in NSPS would like to hear what your experience has been.

Digital Government

D.C. feds hunker down for another blizzard

The federal government in Washington, D.C., breaks out its telework plans as yet another blizzard threatens the capital.