
Seeking the 'story behind the numbers'

More than 100 federal financial leaders and senior leaders of advisory groups share insights on transparency, risk and cost management, and future challenges.


Feds' personal tweets give insight to #ShutdownLife

Justin Herman's 'shutdown beard' updates and Dan Munz's political opinions are among the interesting tweets that the shutdown is inspiring.


IT departments take shutdown hit

While exact numbers are unclear, many agencies are losing large portions of their IT staff to furloughs.


Moonlight might feel right, but ask first

Furloughed feds who want to take a temporary job can do so -- within limits.


Feds' speaking engagements fall victim to closure

As the shutdown unfolds, some events will be modified or even canceled. Here's a look at some early effects.

Digital Government

GSA encourages mobility to reduce real estate needs

Total Workplace program will modernize the federal workforce while reducing costs for office space and energy, GSA argues.


Agency managers make telework pitch

There are still untapped savings and productivity gains to be had for the government through increased use of telework, argued federal IT leaders speaking at the Mobile Work Exchange Town Hall Meeting.

Digital Government

Data visualization Army style

Emerging technologies allow the Army to quickly map assets around the world.


CRM: When C stands for citizen

The image of an office full of call-center employees wearing headsets to communicate with customers is a common association for customer relationship management, but it is woefully outdated. Social media and big data are among the forces transforming CRM, and agencies are catching on.

Digital Government

Picture this: NASA on Instagram

The space agency adds another social media outlet to its growing list.


Army: Log-off flaw creates no risk of outside hacks

Spokeswoman says reported vulnerability can be exploited only by an individual with physical access to the computer.


A contracting how-to for agency leaders

The IBM Center for the Business of Government releases a guide for executives.


Feds urged to telework on anniversary of March on Washington

OPM asks agencies to show flexibility, avoid "unproductive time" on Aug. 28.


IG knocks IRS software licensing

The tax agency could improve its understanding and managment of its software assets, auditors conclude.


Broad group of feds deemed ineligible for MSPB protection

Court: Employees involved in national security matters -- even if unclassified -- can be dismissed or demoted without review.

Digital Government

GovTV: NOAA's own Shark Week

A shark-borne sensor network is bringing data analytics to the agency's conservation efforts.


Thunderclap joins growing list of social tools OK'd for agency use

'Crowdspeaking platform' is the 66th to provide GSA-approved terms of service.


Senate confirms historic GPO nominee

Davita Vance-Cooks becomes the first African-American and the first woman to hold the position of Public Printer, taking over the printing office's advance into a digital future.