
Still seeking a CIO

The announcement that EPA CIO Malcolm Jackson is stepping down adds that agency to an already-long list.


Author: NSA snooping is example of 'present shock'

Emphasis on digital immediacy, lack of technical understanding is a pervasive problem, Douglas Rushkoff claims.


GAO: Agencies underuse TechStat for IT programs

The accountability review intended to help evaluate programs at risk of failure is seeing inconsistent use.


Army releases cybersecurity handbook

A new Army publication provides a quick reference to address threats such as phishing or the aftermath of a data breach.


IG: Coast Guard needs improved laptop security

A report reveals that some USCG laptops don't meet the service's own security standards.


Whistleblowers then and now

What motivates a Bradley Manning, or someone else in a similar position, to release secret information?


Nation split on NSA monitoring

A new poll reveals that a majority of Americans are ok with the NSA tracking telephone calls, but fewer approve of email monitoring.


ACT-IAC picks new leaders

In adherence to the bylaws, this year's seconds-in-command advance to the top.


Turco leaving GSA for CFO post at Veterans Health Administration

GSA official expresses a desire to return to financial role and serve veterans.


Hagel warns troops of the severity of cyber threats

The U.S. cannot handle the potential severity of cyber warfare on its own, defense secretary says.


Metzenbaum to lead government trust initiative

Shelley Metzenbaum, previously associate director of performance and personnel management at OMB, will head the Volcker Alliance.


DOD still lacks proper workforce plan

A new audit reveals that Defense officials have not followed requirements for workforce planning, identification of critical functions.