Digital Government

Business components of a customer architecture

FCW's DotGov Thursday column looks at how an agency's chief Web officer can take leadership of customer service


One government, on the Web

FCW's DotGov Thursday column points the way toward integrating government services on the Internet


Users, Webmasters beware

FCW's DotGov Thursday column outlines some of the legal ground federal Web sites must cover

Digital Government

Cyberspace challenges copyright laws

FCW's DotGov Thursday column looks at intellectual property rights and regulations in the Digital Age


10 skills federal Webmasters need

If I were asked what one article I would want to send to every Webmaster in the federal government, it would be this one.


Privacy, security on the Web require business know-how

The idea that privacy and security might be symptoms and not the problem emerged from a recent Webmaster focus group discussion with the Office of Personnel Management on defining Webmaster classifications

Digital Government

When is enough enough?

The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 will challenge federal Webmasters to make Web sites accessible for the disabled

Digital Government

How to choose what services to post on a Web site

Are you a federal Webmaster? Do you feel like you have too much work to do? You probably do, and the increasing focus on electronic services is going to add to what has already been a fastpaced environment for Webmasters.


Better tech needed to advance the Web governmentwide

It would be the understatement of the year to say The World Wide Web has and will continue to dramatically change how we conduct the business of the federal government. In fact, the change is so dramatic we must completely rethink how we do our jobs.

Digital Government

Web managers play crucial roles in agency management

In a World Wide Webenabled world, Webmasters have been increasingly moving into Web management positions as the size and complexity of their responsibilities grows. Federal Webmasters must be able to play several management roles to fulfill those responsibilities.

Digital Government

It's time for real-time government

At the close of the 1999 General Services Administration's Leadership Conference, the audience watched a video of a blind man, guided by a partner who could see, running a marathon.