
E-Gov Act: Symbolic or practical?

The major impact of the E-Gov Act hasn't been felt yet.

Digital Government

IRS leading the pack in privacy


Digital Government

Unified watch list still in doubt

Lawmakers question whether lists have been combined


E-GOV: A year in review

Government officials and observers report on the progress made under the E-Gov Act of 2002


US-VISIT lacks privacy assessment, Lieberman says.

The Democratic co-author of the E-Gov Act says the entry/exit system's biometric components should have been considered from a privacy standpoint.


Lieberman blasts Bush on terrorist lists

The ranking Democrat on the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee says the administration is taking too long to merge watch lists.

Digital Government

OMB to standardize FISMA guidance

Agencies will no longer have to submit full action plans and milestones on every system twice a year.

Digital Government

Agencies to get security scores

Representatives will release a report card grading agencies under the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002.


Intelligence officials call for info-sharing organization

A federation or network of networks, is the cornerstone of the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing plan.


Entry/exit registration ended

Individuals tracked under the National Security Entry/Exit Registration system won't have to re-register anymore after a year and a month.


Davis requests US-VISIT info

The chairman of the House Government Reform Committee wonders how DHS and State officials will work together.


US-VISIT RFP released

Lockheed Martin, Accenture and CSC will compete for the US-VISIT prime contract.


R&D experts pitch e-gov funding plan

SBA-run research program could make up for budget shortfalls, officials say


Democrats question watch list center

Members of the House Select Committee on Homeland Security are skeptical about a center for terrorist watch lists.


IT execs optimistic about e-gov

A survey shows the number of officials anticipating e-government success rose from last year.


FBI trains on Trilogy

The bureau hits the road to teach agents how to use the virtual case file system.


PART to compare programs

The assessment tool lets officials compare similar programs in different agencies.


Matthews appointed CIO Council's vice chair

Transportation CIO Daniel Matthews replaces Karen Evans, who became the council's director.


OMB to look at enterprise architectures

A committee of the CIO Council is working to 'rationalize and normalize' them.


E-gov includes accessibility, privacy

Karen Evans says e-government initiatives should take those issues into account.