
Lorentz to leave OMB

The Office of Management and Budget's chief technology officer will take a job in the private sector.


USDA expands online loan payment pilot

More farmers will be able to get LDPs online.

Digital Government

Security means keeping the system up

Shift focus from guarding with the latest features to ensuring that processes keep running despite attacks, an expert said.


Evans: E-gov more than automation

E-government is about providing better services to the public and using technology to make life better, Karen Evans said.


Fed workers like Bush agenda, OMB says

The president's management agenda lets employees develop their abilities, says OMB's deputy director for management.


GSA promotes investment measurement

The Value Measuring Methodology supplies a framework for analyzing projects and making investment decisions.


Evans named new E-Gov chief

The White House has tapped Energy Department CIO Karen Evans to replace recently departed e-gov czar Mark Forman


Nader pushes for contract info online

Ralph Nader thinks the government should publish federal contracts electronically for public purview.


Agency system tracks contractor performance

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is keeping watch on contractors' performance using a new system


Management tools

Performance measurement tools need not be used just to manage contractors


Postal Service rolls out new pay system

Timekeeping system relies on electronic employee badges

Digital Government

Homeless system raises privacy concerns

HUD collecting data about homeless population


FBI partnership used to monitor networks

InfraGard faces new info-sharing challenges


USDA implements CCE help desk

The Agriculture Department has implemented help desk support for agencies in the Common Computing Environment.

Digital Government

FDA unveils strategic plan

The Food and Drug Administration today released its 5-point plan to improve consumer safety and protect the food supply


CDC to consolidate hotlines

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention plan to make it easier for the public to get disease info

Digital Government

Ashcroft defends Patriot Act

The attorney general says law enforcement officials can use better technology to communicate because of the USA Patriot Act


Federal agents using training simulator

FBI and Border Patrol agents are going beyond traditional firearms training and testing their judgment and reactions to stressful situations

Digital Government

DigitalNet wins FBI contract

The FBI will pay DigitalNet up to $22 million to support the Trilogy network


Housing agency awards tech management contract

The Federal Housing Finance Board will move its data operations and hand over the reins for its tech management services.