
Senator: Industry needs to educate Congress on cyber

Sen. Mark Warner, one of the most tech-savvy members of Congress, said industry should help him and his colleagues better understand technology so they can design smarter cyber policy.


Why PPD-41 is evolutionary, not revolutionary

Government cybersecurity officials say the presidential policy directive codifies cyber incident response protocols but doesn't radically change what's been in practice in recent years.

Digital Government

Think tank: U.S. elections are far from hack-proof

Despite frequent reassurances from intelligence and security officials that the U.S. voting system can't be hacked, one cybersecurity think tank is warning that hacking the election is not only possible, but relatively easy.


NSA: Hackers find an easy path to U.S. systems

A senior NSA official says that none of the major hacks of U.S. systems in the last two years relied on zero-day exploits. Instead, they took advantage of easier vulnerabilities resulting from poor cyber hygiene and practices.


Internet pioneer dies at 102

Leo Beranek, who helped design the Internet progenitor ARPANET for the Pentagon and sent the first email with an @ symbol, died at age 102.


Connolly: cybersecurity at stake in election

One of the champions of IT reform in Congress said that the November election could significantly shuffle membership on committees with responsibility for cybersecurity.


Official: you can still trust the NSA

NSA official says that despite a major reorganization to merge offensive and defensive cyber capabilities and missions, industry can still trust the guidance it receives from NSA.


Is UL's cyber assurance program ready for prime time?

A DHS software development specialist and other security experts said UL's Cybersecurity Assurance Program needs retooling before it can be an effective stamp of approval.


New DOD principal deputy CIO on the job

John Zangardi, most recently a deputy assistant secretary in the Department of the Navy, has come on board as the new principal deputy CIO at the Defense Department.


Mabus: Navy overly reliant on networked systems

The Secretary of the Navy says that the service is too dependent on networks and is taking steps to relearn analog communications methods.


DHS, ODNI blame Russia for election-season hacks

In a joint statement, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security attributed several high-profile hacks on political targets to Russia.


RCO speeds through startup phase

The Army’s new Rapid Capabilities Office fast-tracks its own startup as it seeks to close technological gaps on the modern battlefield.


White House official: Cyberthreats continue to multiply

A senior homeland security adviser said cyberthreats are figuring more prominently in the president's daily security briefing.

Digital Government

Pentagon advisory board rolls out innovation plan

The Pentagon's Defense Innovation Advisory Board says bureaucratic and other barriers prevent the spread of existing innovation across the military.


Army cyber advances in the face of policy challenges

The Army Cyber Command has seen substantial growth in the past three years, including launching 42 cyber mission teams, but it still faces policy limitations on deploying and using cyber capabilities.


Officials: DOD must adapt to multi-domain warfare model

Top officials and generals argue the era of AirLand warfare is over and DOD needs to focus on a multi-domain approach that incorporates cyber, electronic warfare and other technological changes.


General: Cyber capabilities exceed authorities

The commander of U.S. Army Forces Command said the Army is making progress in developing cyber capabilities, but the authority to use some of them is lagging.


Standards group releases guidelines on cyber information sharing

The Information Sharing and Analysis Organization Standards Organization has published initial guidelines on the establishment of ISAOs to promote private sector cybersecurity information sharing.


Senate confirms new head of Strategic Command

The Senate has confirmed Air Force Gen. John Hyten as the new commander of U.S. Strategic Command, which oversees Cyber Command.


Administration appoints first head of NBIB

The National Background Investigations Bureau announced the appointment of its first director as the agency prepares to take over processing government background checks.