
White House lays out ideas for information sharing

The Obama administration is hoping enhanced privacy provisions can make a long-stalled proposal more palatable to the Senate.


DISA's new unit aims to take pressure off Cyber Command

A new joint force cyber unit will relieve Cyber Command of some of its organizational duties and help identify vulnerabilities on military networks.


U.S. officials: Sony investigation was thorough

Obama administration officials have vigorously defended what they say was a thorough and careful investigation into the Sony hack that laid the blame on North Korea.


The FBI, North Korea and the future of cyber investigations

Experts questioning the FBI's presentation of evidence against North Korea argue that making an arguably ambiguous case is counter-productive to U.S. efforts to build norms in cyberspace.


Top Navy official asks Congress to strip out acquisition regulations

The new Congress should focus reform efforts on doing away with existing regulations rather than adding new ones, says the assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition.


Cyber Command turns to industry for solutions

A draft RFP is aimed at streamlining support for Defense Department information networks.

Digital Government

Inside the quest to prevent suicides through better data

FCW investigated efforts by the departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs to improve a joint data repository on military and veteran suicides. Something as impersonal and mundane as incomplete datasets could be exacerbating a national tragedy.


FBI uses malware to ID North Korea as Sony culprit

The bureau said it found many similarities between the malware used in the Sony hack and other malware previously pinned on North Korea.

Digital Government

DOD prioritizes tech transfer to trusted Asian allies

Amid top-brass concerns about China's theft of U.S. military intellectual property, Defense Technology Security Administration Director Beth McCormick laid out DOD’s approach to secure technology transfers.


Halvorsen formalizes new DOD cloud procurement policy

Memo from Defense Department's acting CIO ends DISA monopoly on cloud procurements, addresses security standards.


Outgoing Intelligence chairman warns of cyber vulnerabilities

Retiring Michigan Republican Mike Rogers’ valedictory is the latest in a series of dire warnings about the need to bolster cyber defenses.


DISA releases draft of new cloud security requirements

Comments from industry and others interested in the draft security requirements guide are due Dec. 29.


SANS, CSIS unveil cyber scholarships for Air Force vets

A new scholarship program for Air Force veterans taps into the increasing demand for cybersecurity jobs.


Congress moves cyber-hiring, FISMA measures

A bill that will allow DHS to hire cybersecurity professionals faster and pay them more now heads to the president for his signature.


DOJ: 'Increase the cost' for nation-state hackers

Regardless of where the investigation into North Korea's alleged role in the Sony hack leads, the Obama administration's strategy of indicting state-sponsored hacking is likely to continue.


Defining cyber roles at DOD

Recent directive brings needed clarification and "a big movement forward" on business operation, acting CIO Halvorsen says.


Halvorsen: JRSS tests reveal solid backbone

Acting DOD CIO Terry Halvorsen said initial tests of the Joint Regional Security Stacks revealed sound plans for the program's architecture, but that some fine-tuning and better education of those operating JRSS will be needed.


DOD IG: Pentagon falling short on cloud strategy

A new inspector general's report says the Defense Department has not adequately trained acquisition and contract specialists who buy cloud services.


Air Force CIO plots comprehensive cyber strategy

USAF Lt. Gen. William Bender is planning a broad review of the service’s cyber vulnerabilities.


Carter would bring acquisition, tech experience to top Pentagon job

Ashton Carter, who has often had a hand in Pentagon IT issues, is rumored to be Obama's pick for Defense secretary.