
Contractors struggle with 'patchwork' of cybersecurity regulations

The hack of USIS, and OPM's subsequent decision not to renew the background-check firm's contracts, has cast new light on government-contractor relations. Some legal experts believe the protocols for reporting data breaches are a tangled web.

Digital Government

DOD tries to allay industry fears on intellectual property

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Katrina McFarland says the Pentagon wants to own the interoperable parts of a system, not a firm’s commercial secrets.


The Navy's cyber awakening

A departmentwide task force makes cyberspace a warfighting issue and attempts to synchronize disparate internal approaches to the challenge.


Can DHS get it together?

Slowly but surely, the agency's ability to handle cybersecurity has evolved -- but experts say key hurdles remain.


IARPA unveils work on predictive intelligence

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity held its first industry day Oct. 30, and in doing so underlined predictive intelligence as a priority.


NIST spells out information-sharing best practices

A draft document from the National Institute of Standards and Technology aims to improve agencies’ sharing of cyber threat information.


Feinstein, Chambliss: We can pass a cyber bill during lame duck

The chair and ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee say they've addressed privacy and liability concerns, and predict both chambers can move cyber legislation after the election.


The Army's new approach to cyber

The Cyber Battle Lab exemplifies a multifaceted model for cyber and electronic warfare.


Navy leaders try to speed IT acquisition by reinterpreting the FAR

It takes at least six months to get from RFP to a contract award, and "six months is a lifetime when it comes to security," says the Navy's Victor Gavin.


New cyber doctrine shows more offense, transparency

The Pentagon has outlined a military strategy that goes beyond previous doctrine in its focus on offensive cyber operations.


Former DIA director to join SBD Advisors

Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn is the latest in a growing list of former Pentagon officials to join the consulting firm.


NSA CTO's moonlighting gig ends

Former NSA Director Keith Alexander drops collaboration with CTO Patrick Dowd after conflict-of-interest questions arise.


Workforce, infrastructure and avoiding future crashes: Q&A with Greg Ambrose

FCW sat down recently for an exclusive interview with Greg Ambrose, the State Department's director of consular systems and technology, who talked about how his office is trying to prevent a repeat of the malfunction its visa and passport database experienced July 20.


Feds urge early cooperation in malware investigations

Cyber resiliency in financial services comes from public-private coordination and aggressive prosecution.


Understanding State's big database crash: Q&A with Greg Ambrose

FCW's exclusive interview with Greg Ambrose, the State Department’s director of consular systems and technology, who talked about how his office is trying to prevent a repeat of this summer's visa and passport database malfunction.


DISA looks for models for securing commercial cloud

An RFI asks for vendor feedback on two integration models for commercial cloud at the Defense Department.

Digital Government

Navy takes another step in developing drone boats

The Office of Naval Research says a technological breakthrough will pave the way for the use of unmanned boats to detect threats and launch attacks.


New program manager of DCGS-A hopes for strong start

Col. Robert Collins says close feedback from industry and soldiers can help improve a program that has struggled with inefficiencies.


OPM’s breakup with USIS could be a seminal moment

A state-sponsored breach, not other failings, reportedly prompted OPM to terminate its big contract with USIS.


DHS official: New scanning authority will help nip next Heartbleed in the bud

The Department of Homeland Security’s new and improved authority to scan agency networks for serious computer viruses could significantly reduce the time it takes DHS to get in front of the next bad thing.