
Army hits reset button on intelligence-sharing system

The next phase of the $5 billion Distributed Common Ground System will likely be open to bidders in fiscal 2016.


Imitation is flattery: BlackBerry, Samsung emulate strategies to lure DOD clients

BlackBerry is still the incumbent in a sensitive market, but Samsung has invested in security to try to turn the tables.


DHS suspends work with USIS after cyberattack

Background-check firm says the breach "has all the markings of a state-sponsored attack."


DHS's Borkowski: Acquisition officials must get tougher with industry

Customs and Border Protection assistant commissioner offers straight talk on costs, performance of contracts.


Kendall: Keep it simple on acquisition reform

Top Pentagon acquisition official says Better Buying Power 3.0 will come in 2-3 months.


'Fingerprinting' tool challenges privacy safeguards for federal websites

The difficulty of maintaining user anonymity in the face of canvas fingerprinting poses a challenge to agencies trying to adhere to privacy standards set by OMB.


DOD looking to modernize travel for employees

With the resumption of sequestration possible, the Pentagon wants to find a cheaper way to travel.


Army names new commander for cyber training center

Maj. Gen. Stephen Fogarty will replace Maj. Gen. LaWarren Patterson as commander of the Cyber Center of Excellence.


Bipartisan IT procurement overhaul bill unveiled

The measure, introduced by Reps. Eshoo, Connolly, Hanna and Swalwell, would establish an executive branch office to review select projects for cost overruns.

Digital Government

Going big on going small

Congress mulls how to reassert federal support for nanotechnology as experts suggest researchers are less likely to ply their trade here if funding continues to wane.


Debating the cyber threat

Current and former officials exchanged views on the U.S. strategic approach to cybersecurity at the Aspen Security Forum, but reached little consensus.


House passes three cyber bills

The measures, all passed easily, deal with information sharing, technology procurement and the DHS workforce.


A new player in federal IT?

Capgemini Government Solutions has been around for some time, but a new CEO sees market openings.


Can 28 nations collaborate online?

As NATO seeks a "cultural shift," a new intranet system will serve up to 10,000 would-be collaborators.


DOD stresses testing, evaluation improvements

Officials tout Better Buying Power 2.0 as a catalyst for defense acquisition reform.


Head of DHS cyber hub stepping down

Larry Zelvin is leaving the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center in mid-August.


Nominee promises digital answers to VA problems

The Obama administration’s attempt to turn the page at the Veterans Affairs Department moved to Congress with the confirmation hearing of Procter & Gamble CEO Robert McDonald.


Former Navy secretary calls for minimalist approach to IT security

Richard Danzig argues that the U.S. government should "forsake some efficiencies" in the pursuit of security.


'History may be repeating itself' in cyberspace

On the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 report's release, the men who guided the investigation are warning of new threats going unaddressed.