
Thornberry welcomes data, stresses human factor in acquisition reform

Texas Republican leading reform effort says Pentagon Undersecretary Frank Kendall’s office will need help to tackle the issue of acquisition workforce training.


Cybersecurity a key bilateral issue for White House, and not just with China

The Obama administration is trying to build international norms in the wake of the China hacker indictments.


Pentagon, Congress seek to avoid acquisition 'Groundhog Day'

Policymakers attempting to revamp how the military buys and manages weapons and IT systems will have to overcome bureaucratic inertia and the tendency of reform efforts to repeat themselves.


House Intel chairman upbeat on cyber legislation

Rep. Mike Rogers says a better public understanding of cyber issues in the wake of the Snowden leaks would help push information-sharing proposals forward.


Acting DOD CIO goes public

Terry Halvorsen offers transparency and better data in town hall-style appearance before vendors.


Senior White House official talks cyber goals, legislative outlook

In a Q&A with FCW , Ari Schwartz, senior director for cybersecurity at the White House, talks about whether legislation can reinforce and complement White House cyber-policy goals.


Welcome to @CIA

The Central Intelligence Agency launched a Twitter feed and joined Facebook on June 6.


China making steady gains in cyber, military IT

Report to Congress warns that stolen U.S. intellectual property is bolstering Chinese capacity for "network-centric warfare."


White House looking to Capitol Hill on cyber

Cybersecurity is arguably one of the few bipartisan issues in Congress, and key stakeholders hope that will be enough to push through legislation this year.


NSA employs ever-improving facial-recognition technology

The National Security Agency’s revelation highlights the growing sophistication of facial-recognition tools available to government.


NSA director: Detection trumps prevention

Because keeping cyber intruders out is increasingly difficult, the focus should be on finding them quickly and assessing the threat, says Adm. Michael Rogers.

Digital Government

Changes at the top for NGA

Deputy DNI Robert Cardillo will succeed Letitia Long at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in October.


Takai taking it slow on next move

Former DOD CIO suggests another government job is unlikely.


Iranian hackers likely targeted U.S. officials

The hacking project used Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to target high-ranking members of the defense and diplomatic establishment.


Pentagon running behind on contracting database

Though the contracting system is relatively low-tech -- its underlying application cost less than $1 million -- it could have profound implications for DOD policy planning.


China indictments spotlight military's vulnerability

China's targeting of U.S. military know-how is a fact of life for the defense industrial base, which hopes a longstanding information-sharing framework will be enough to ward off threats.


Senate panel approves DHS cyber hiring measure

The bill is aimed at giving the Department of Homeland Security more flexibility in hiring cybersecurity specialists.


Veterans and the cybersecurity gap

Vets need jobs. Everybody needs cyber-specialists. And situational awareness could be the thread to connect the two.


China faces cyber espionage charges

The Justice Department accused five officers from a People’s Liberation Army hacking unit with stealing proprietary information from U.S. companies and a labor union.

Digital Government

DARPA targets MERS

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency work on Middle East Respiratory Syndrome is one of the first big tests for its nascent Biological Technologies Office.