Digital Government

China May Soon Peddle Discount Drones to the Developing World

Chinese aerospace companies aren't hindered by rules against selling UAVs.


Bitcoin Lovers: This Is What It Looks Like When the US Wants to Destroy a Currency

Last week the U.S. Treasury placed a new package of sanctions targeting Iran's currency.


Obama Bets Computers, Sat Phones and Crypto Software Will Make Iran’s Elections More Democratic

The US government hopes that increased technology in the country will help Iranians communicate among themselves.

Emerging Tech

Meet the Only Company That Still Thinks a Manned Spacecraft Should Fly Back to Earth

Dream Chaser is that rare piece of technology that is both a leap forward and a throwback.

Emerging Tech

How a Startup Will Stream Video from Space Without Paying for a Satellite

The company struck a deal with a Russian contractor to install cameras on the International Space Station.


Apple and Others Could Stop Smartphone Theft. Here’s Why They Don’t

According to the FCC, 30% to 40% of robberies in major US cities involve smartphones.

Emerging Tech

SpaceX Takes a Hit as NASA Chooses Russia’s Space Agency Instead

Blaming budget cuts, the U.S. space agency has inked a deal for Roscosmos to ferry six astronauts to the International Space Station.


Could Taking Down Zombie Satellites Be as Lucrative as Launching Them?

The $100 billion worth of satellites orbiting earth are in more danger than ever from space junk.